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A Conversation with Artificial Intelligence about Capitalism 150 150 admin

A Conversation with Artificial Intelligence about Capitalism

ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence Platform that prioritizes interactions in a conversational way. And it’s REALLY good. This shit is badass.

I’ve been asking it questions and giving it commands. When I see some of its answers it gives me back, I think to myself “damn…that’s what I was trying to say”. ChatGPT just makes it hella clearer and easier to understand with no fluff.

Lately, I’ve just been thinking of all the downsides of capitalism. It’s been marketed as such a superior economic and political system, but the downsides are HUGE.

Why were there slaves in the US for soooooo long (350+ years!) – primarily because it was profitable.

Why was I given all the bullshit information about nutrition? Why is there sugar and/or flour in so much of the food supply!?

Why are doctors so quick to recommend different surgeries and medicines to me and instead of telling me the natural, healthier alternatives?

Profits, profits, profits. When we’re willing to compromise the well being of humanity and the environment for profits, we’ve gone way WAY too far on the “love for money” side and need to come back to the humanity and oneness side to rebalance.

Maybe ChatGPT can break this down better than I can. Hey ChatGPT…

How does capitalism negatively impact our nutrition?

Capitalism negatively impacts our nutrition by creating economic inequality that restricts access to healthy and nutritious food options. Those in lower socio-economic groups often find themselves living in “food deserts”, or areas with limited access to fresh produce and other healthy options.

Additionally, unhealthy food items are often cheaper than healthier alternatives, making them more accessible to those with limited budgets. High-calorie, processed foods are also heavily marketed, making it difficult for consumers to make informed decisions about their food choices. Furthermore, capitalism can drive up the cost of food production by incentivizing unsustainable agricultural practices, such as overuse of pesticides.

How does capitalism negatively impact our justice system?

Capitalism negatively impacts the justice system by creating a two-tiered system of justice in which those with more resources can access better legal representation and services than those with fewer resources. This system can lead to unequal outcomes, with those who are more privileged being able to buy their way out of punishments or receive lighter sentences.

Furthermore, capitalist systems have been known to foster a culture of greed, with lawyers and judges engaging in unethical practices such as taking bribes or providing favorable outcomes to those who can afford them. This often leads to injustices, with people of lower socio-economic classes more likely to be punished for the same crime as those in higher socio-economic classes.

How does capitalism negatively impact our environment?

Capitalism negatively impacts the environment by incentivizing the production of goods and services without considering the long-term environmental consequences. This often leads to the over-exploitation of natural resources and the pollution of air, land, and water. Additionally, capitalism can lead to a disregard for environmental regulations and laws, as companies prioritize profits over sustainability. Furthermore, capitalist systems can foster a culture of consumerism, leading to increased consumption and waste. This can lead to more emissions, deforestation, and other forms of environmental degradation.

How does capitalism negatively impact the healthcare system?

Capitalism negatively impacts the healthcare system by creating a two-tiered system in which those with higher incomes can access better quality healthcare than those with lower incomes. This system often leads to unequal access to healthcare, with those from lower socio-economic backgrounds unable to afford the necessary treatments. Additionally, the profit motive of capitalism can lead to pharmaceutical companies overcharging for medications and treatments, creating a barrier for those who need them the most. Furthermore, capitalist systems often lead to a lack of investment in preventative care, as it is not seen as profitable, leaving many people without access to basic healthcare services.

After reading these answers I was like…”yup, that’s true as hell”.

It might seem like this is unfair. Why are we only talking about the negatives and not the positives? Well…because we know good and damn well about the positives because it’s been the priority of us to understand and value the positives. We shape our lives around the positives of capitalism. That American dream is everywhere if you live here. We can’t just look at one side of the coin. At some point, we should pay attention to that ugly other side before we HAVE to pay attention to that ugly other side.

A Dream I Had This Morning 150 150 admin

A Dream I Had This Morning

I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but I’m suddenly in a plane (in the cockpit where the passengers are) flying pretty close to the ground. Below the train I get a glimpse of training soldiers.

I land and there’s a car with an Asian guy that looks blankly at the road ahead. I somehow feel like it’s called for me to get in. I get in and he gets excited and starts driving. Little did I know what he was driving me too.

I get in and it’s like a huge camp site with many sections divided off with part buildings and part plastic cubicle dividers. But there are some actual buildings too.

The guy just starts walking and I guess I just assume he’s giving me a tour (which turns out to be correct). First we pass the soldiers training, then we go the laundry room. In there, there are about 3 people plotting on how to put a bomb in the washing machine and blow the place up. We leave there and head to the lunch area.

It was outside on dirt set up like a prison. There were 3 benches that look like this.

I sit down with 2 two black guys who are older. They are having lunch and they share their lunch with me. They are on some spiritual vibes and they are talking to me about life and deep shit. I tell them there’s a guy in the laundry room about to set off a bomb, and they shrug it off. I’m thinking to myself “OK?!? where am I where people don’t care about a bomb going off”.

Another short stocky black guy comes up and demands the table share lunch with him, but nobody does. He says something along the lines of “If yall don’t give me some lunch now I’m going to get mean and have to take lunch from someone.” Nobody offers their lunch, so he takes it forcefully from another guy at another table.

Then everyone, including the short stocky guy, gets hella nervous and everybody leaves their lunch on the table and slowly starts walking away. I see 5 white guys approaching the area. Some people even put more food on the table as if to offer it to the 5 guys coming towards us.

The 5 white guys seem to have a very predatory look on them as if they’re trying to kidnap us and kill us or something, so we’re all on guard in fighting stance. Those 5 people each pick one person (they seem to favor the weak) and take them off never to be seen again, and everybody relaxes. I figure this goes on regularly.

I think to myself, “I gotta get da fuck outta here. Where is the office so I can get checked out. I’m not supposed to be here.”, so I make my way to the front (somehow I just know where the “front” is to check out).

There is a lot of security at the front. They say mother can’t get me out, and father COULD but he’s too far away. I have to leave within the next 10 minutes and he’s like an hour away. It seems like even if they were there, it was all bullshit. They would never let me just walk out with ANYONE. Too much security. I’m stuck.

Then a tall slender white woman shows up from my past and says “I’m here!” with a smile – as if to say “take me away!”. It’s an actual person I know in real life. It’s a woman I relate to as being one of the lightest personalities I’ve met. Everything is fun and a game to her – and she’s been through some serious shit. I wrap my arms around her waist and just walk out of the building and start giving her things to do. She walks out with me without saying a word and immediately starts doing what I say and is happy to see me. It feels so natural, easy and effortless. So amazing. It’s like when you’re at the top of a fun water slide. All you gotta do is get in, let go and slide down. It’s the best part of the dream by far, and I am beyond happy to see her.

I forgot what I told her to do, but I told her to do something while I call an Uber. I tell her to meet me at the top of an Austin Freeway entrance. I remember 1701 at the top. I walk up the freeway to the entrance (I don’t know why we couldn’t walk together lol I think it was me trying to do the most when there’s a simpler way to get where I want to go and a much more fun way). There I see a car conveyor belt (like the ones you see at car washes). My car has vomit all over it so I guess I’m at the car wash because they are charging me to clean it. They say we’ve got to take all the belongings out of the car and make sure there’s nothing strange in them. I object but they do it anyway. I’m escorted to another building that looks like a bank. I see them searching through all my belongings and they give them all back and notice they’ve stolen money out of my wallet so I start yelling “she stole my money!!!”, but then I see all the money in the back of the wallet. I didn’t look good enough and it was there the whole time. I slowly calm down and go to looking at the other things. Then the dreams ends.

My Interpretation of the dream

I’ve been feeling like I’m in hell in real life. And it feels like I’ve been trying to push my way out of hell with the masculine. It feels like there’s a simpler way to do this, without all the force. The highlight of the dream is when she shows up and says “I’m here”. What does she represent? Fun, beauty, lightness, flow, ease and effortless. I can only get so far by myself and forcing. If I let go and look for the simpler way, it might be as easy as going down a fun water slide. That would also make life and flow more sustainable.

Solana NFTs – Part 1 150 150 admin

Solana NFTs – Part 1

In the past 3 months I’ve dived head first into Solana NFTs. I thought it would be beneficial to recap what I’ve learned about the space.

2020 Crypto Experiments

One of the best things I’ve done in crypto (and I’ve done a lot of bullshit) was experiment in the bear market.

Right at the tail end of 2020, the stars aligned for ya boy. I had extra money, free time and knowledge of crypto from paying attention to the space for years. I noticed that the crypto YouTubers I had subscribed to suddenly started posting again and were hella excited in their videos. I didn’t know it, but it was a perfect time to invest too.

I started learning and using Metamask and Uniswap and buying coins early before they hit Coinbase. I started investing heavier into different coins that were launching and had hype behind them. I kept binge watching crypto YouTube videos and investing in coins they were talking about. I did this all with the expectation that the money I was experimenting with could go to 0.

Crypto is still rewarding me for that experimentation I did years ago through airdrops. The most recent one being Evmos.

So why experiment? Not only for the airdrops, but also because it’s the best time to experiment. The networks aren’t as clogged, so things go faster and things are cheaper. Everything’s calm and settled and you don’t have to learn on-the-fly as much. And ya neeeeeeever know. The things we’re experimenting with today might be normal in the future.

Welcome Solana

In that tail end of 2020, I did a lot of experimenting with ETH-based coins. ETH wasn’t as high priced as it is now and the network wasn’t as congested, so fees were lower.

Nooooooow there is a noticeable fee for everything on ETH! and it’s annoying. At the time of this writing fees are a lot smaller than usual, but I can’t justify using the network as much when Solana is such a cheaper network. Developers are developing high quality games, NFT’s and other resources on it.

I admit it. I had an affair with Solana. I’m sorry ETH.

Random things I’ve noticed or learned while experimenting in Solana NFT’s

  • There’s a lot of younger people in the space with me. Occasionally I’ll see 13-15 year old’s in the space. It’s kinda trippy. Voice chat and spaces expose your voice.
  • NFTs do well in a crypto bear market because it makes for cheap entries to projects that would otherwise price most people out.
  • It’s so great to not have to pay excessive fees. It’s faster and more cost effective. Everything in ETH had a fee and it adds up – staking, unstaking, withdrawing, sending, minting, etc. All fees associated with them. Different airdrops made the fees worthwhile though, so I can’t complain too much about them.
  • It’s more predictable – I don’t have to worry about things like sandwiches or inconsistent fees. I know what I’m going to pay
  • It’s easier to rug – People are starting to figure out the formula for their anonymous rugs and I’m seeing more and more in the space. It’s the wild wild west. Because it’s easier to rug, I appreciate the projects that are transparent and adequately Doxxed and are consistently available through voice and or video or a human social media account. I think this is the way things will eventually go.
  • It all happens on Discord and Twitter – Most of the details of Solana NFT’s are on Discord and/or Twitter. I do see some projects from time to time using Telegram, but for the most part it’s Discord and Twitter. I’ve learned to use Discord and Twitter VERY well.
  • The biggest most well known Solana NFT marketplace is Magic Eden.
  • Some people are happy with the smallest profits. They will mint something for 1 Sol and list it on Magic Eden for 1.01 Sol for a .01 profit (not even taking into account fees).
  • The digital art in the Solana NFT space is absolutely amazing. – There are so much great art that art alone tends to not be enough these days. NFT investors want great art AND some type of utility.
  • Words / phrases / platforms / resources that you gotta know if you’re gonna deal with Solana NFTs – mint date, mint price, supply, volume, hype, WAGMI (we all gonna make it), NGMI (not gonna make it), bluechips, degen, wallet, airdrops, tokens, proof, whitelist (WL), public mint, mint bots, snipers, whales, floor price (FP), Magic Eden and CoralCube.

In Part 1, I wanted to keep it more matter-of-fact style. Find out what happens in Part 2 where I give more of my opinion about the space.





You like that suspense I put in there? lmao

You know you do.

I didn’t want it, but I needed it 150 150 admin

I didn’t want it, but I needed it

Sometimes there are people that come into your life where you perceive qualities they have as negative/bad/dark/evil. You might be hesitant to let that energy in, because you feel it’s not good or comfortable. BUT…if you were to really let that energy in and be with it for weeks/months/years, you might find at least in some way you needed that quality in your life at that particular time. It could serve as a disruption to your reality. It really works well if you aren’t enjoying your reality. This can open you up to a whole nother dimension.

I’m not talking about letting abusers in here. But maybe qualities you have labeled negative, that aren’t so destructive. For example curious. Many people might say being curious is being nosy. Or “bossy” is a label I used. Some might say a bossy person gets things done and is a great delegator.

If you haven’t had this experience, I’d say you just haven’t been exposed to enough different social experiences and/or people. This lack of experience could be due to just being young, or saying no to life’s invitations to experience this. It’s bound to happen with enough exposure to different social scenarios.

I’ve gone through rounds of this. In the beginning, I would stumble into these situations. Now, I’ve learned to use my intuition here after intuitively following it and it leading me to awesome places.

Football (American)

My first experience like this was football. I really had no “athlete” in me, but I had a lot of nerd in there. I wanted to have the experience of being an athlete. I guess after many times watching TV, I didn’t think you can be an athlete and be smart. I always saw athletes portrayed as dumb, while the smart people are the nerds/geeks. In real life that’s definitely not true. I needed that experience though to show me what my body was capable of physically. We trained hard. I also learned a lot about teamwork there. I played lineman, so my position counted a lot! I’m literally protecting the main guy, and the opposition can quickly point me out and exploit me if I’m the weak link.

4 Guys Living in a 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment

The next biggest one was when I was 23, and a friend invited me to live with him. I said yes, and 2 other guys also came to live with us. At the time, I was pretty annoyed because he didn’t tell me the other two guys were coming to live with us too…in a 1 bedroom apartment!

I had so many reservations about saying yes to this. There were all kinds reasons to retreat and go back to comfort, but something told me “I needed this”, and I was so right. Living with them I learned so much about social skills, masculine energy, fun, courage, honesty, directness, cars, houses, construction, jobs physical work, delegation and asking and getting needs met, performing, women and on and on. It showed me all the things my upbringing was missing. I thought my upbringing was ok – HELL NAH. Sometimes I still sit and think about what I would have missed had I not said “yes” to living with them.

After this, I started really trusting the universe’s flow and my own intuition and the intelligence of the world – things I couldn’t necessarily see with my eyes. Going with this intuitive flow might lead me to a place I would never go on my own, but if I can trust it, it could lead me to a place beyond my imagination.

Maybe it’s a social problem?

Things just got way better from here. I actually started intuitively inviting uncomfortable things that I thought would break up my reality.

I went to a workshop about heart-centered ways to make passive income and that worked, but not for the reasons I thought. I met many people who were already making $10K per month passively, and it helped to ground that goal I had been dreaming of, and I actually started making passive income consistently right after that. This was after years of feeling like it was out of reach.

Then, I started thinking that since this worked so well – maybe I could ground other things that I felt were impossible through surrounding myself with people who had accomplished what I wanted to accomplished. Maybe my problems could be solved socially. So, I tried that in the realm of weight loss next and it worked again!!! Shout outs to! Another home run out of the park!

Crash and Burn

THEN IT ALL CRASHED DOWN WHEN I QUIT MY JOB 🙂 The passive income dried up and I gained all the weight I lost back plus much more.

Right now it’s feeling like I need to invite some more music and fitness together. Maybe like training for fighting. And also let more people in to the story now. AND I want to get back some of the great stuff that was there before. We’ll see how this goes.

The Benefits of Free Time 150 150 admin

The Benefits of Free Time

In this article I’m going to share with you the benefits I’ve experienced through having lots and lots of free time. If there’s interest I can share the downsides too cuz uh…it hasn’t been all roses.

Backstory of Having Damn Near No Free Time

There was a period of time where I was working a job I hated then doing deliveries on the side and it felt like I was just spinning my wheels. My expenses = money I got from the job I hated + delivery money. I just kept hearing this message in my head that said “you’re wasting your time”.

Then, I went to a conference called Love Rising in Hollywood, CA led by Kyle Cease. A core message I got from that conference was to stop chasing money, and so that’s what I did. He published a book called The Illusion of Money not too long after this workshop.

I tried my best to do everything – especially creative work – from a heart-centered space. I really felt like I was fed up doing work and feeling like a damn slave. I quit my job right after getting out of that conference (because I was doing it just for the money), and life hasn’t been the same since. In many ways it has been amazing, and in many ways it has been horrific. I’m sharing the good stuff here now though.

Online learning

There is literally so much information on online that you can web surf through – especially with YouTube. I also like my local libraries online resources, and if your local library sucks then…I’m sure you can find a way to break some rules…Just don’t hold me responsible.

I tend to gravitate towards the practical information and online courses. People are taking their knowledge and putting it in online resources at a level that has never been seen before – especially with COVID. All i need is an internet connection and a device that can use that internet connection to show me stuffs. I just found another course I wanna take today from Scott Scorch (a little disappointed it’s only 2 hours long). It was a gateway to find the other courses on the platform though.

Finding Money to Play With

I’ve been able to “find” money through different ways. Lowering expenses dramatically helps with this a lot! No more car note draining my finances, and no more expensive rent. HAD I BEEN MORE PATIENT, last year would have been my first 6-figure year by way of crypto. 2020 was the first year ever I felt like I was able to play with money. And it was all because of downsizing, doing independent contract work as a gig worker when COVID hit, and binge watching videos on crypto.

Self Care

Sometimes I wonder how people deal with self care with a job. Meditation, hygiene, fitness, food prep/shopping, self care appointments i.e. doctors/dentists, vehicle care, living space care, fun/hobbies/creative outlets, assessments about all of the above, and learning about how to improve all of the above.

This about this – I’m a single guy, but what about if you’re in a household and have to take care of others? Many of these things can’t be outsourced or helped by a significant other. How do people adequately do self care when a job takes up such huge blocks of time. How do people fit all this in? I think the answer is many people don’t.

Doing Things At Different Times Than The Majority

In a populated city like Houston, Texas it feels so much better to do things when others don’t do them. I don’t have to sit in traffic during lunch time when everyone is one the road. I don’t have to deal with large crowds in stores because I can shop while everyone is at work.

No More Resentment For Things That Were Taking Up My Time

I don’t find myself saying “I don’t know enough time”. I could easily say that when I had a job, and it would make me resentful towards the job. I was spending a lot of those days working feeling resentment.

Lately, if I can deal with what others say and think about me and accept it and not be triggered by it, then I can experience that freedom. That is a part of the freedom. I might be called lazy or a bum, or not self sufficient (nobody’s really self-sufficient) in the short term, but over the long term things start to get really good. You don’t relate to money with this neediness and it can flow to you.

Depth and Quality Creatively

I put depth and quality together because depth has a lot to do with quality. I can’t get to the level of mental depth I could creatively as long as I was using so much mental ram on my job. This is the biggest benefit. It gives me room to breathe. I can step back and see the forest for the trees, and not always be stuck in the trees.

I don’t even think my brain could go into writing an article list this or many of the other articles I’ve written without sufficient space to let my mind wander into different rabbit holes. Eventually, the rabbit holes start to connect together in a way I can’t predict.

Nothing feels rushed now. Even if there is a deadline to things, I don’t feel the intense pressure I would feel going to jobs. I can take my time cooking up good shit. Good plans, good assessments, good articles, good presence with people, good quality overall.

When I would work at jobs, I very rarely got to see my own work. It was purchasing and data entry, so…it was gone as soon as I did it. I never got to see it or marvel at it or add to it or build on top of it. I’ve created a lot that I get to look back on these past years. It makes me waaaaaay more proud.

That’s it folks

That’s all I got. I’m thankful that I made it a priority to downsize and take my time investments away from chasing money and started to embrace and cherish the time I have on this earth. There is nothing like it.

My Top 10 Books 150 150 admin

My Top 10 Books

My intention with this article is to share the top books I’ve read. At the time of this writing I’ve read somewhere between 100 – 200 books. Some things to note before I give this list.

  1. These books helped shape ME. They are important books in MY story. It’s really hard for me to agree or disagree when someone lays out a book list and says “These are the best books on X” because it is shaped by their unique experience.
  2. Much of what was really impactful to me and stood out as being the best for me weren’t books. Maybe a “My top 10 resources that aren’t books” article next?
  3. I listed these in the order I read them, so it’s kinda like a story.
  4. Most of these books I’ve either read as a physical book or an audiobook. I don’t think I’ve ever read a whole book on the Kindle app or tablet.

I look at books like a tool set. There are so many ideas, invitations, suggestions and mentoring out there to fix the problems that will inevitably come up in life – especially with the rise of the internet and online resources like YouTube and Google to go along with books. Let’s get into it.

Alfred’s Basic Piano Library

I know. It’s cheating because there’s more than one book here (a whole ass library yo) but….that’s ok. Sometimes I be cheating.

These were the first books I remember being into studying piano. I spent SO much time slogging through these books (slogging because I didn’t understand the payoffs of consistent practice AND felt that I couldn’t just practice when I wanted to). Both of my great teachers used these books to teach me, and I still use so much of what was in these books today playing piano.

I remember we focused on the books on theory, ear training, song/hymn books and finger exercises.

The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

This is the best book I’ve ever read…still. It talks a lot about surrendering to the moment, and I think I had to surrender for this book to even show up in my world.

I remember it helping me specifically with emotions. I’ve probably saved SOOO much stress just by reading this book pretty early. When I started reading this book I was feeling so frustrated. The go-to-school get-a-degree and have-a-safe-stable-job-for-life path just seemed so ‘not me’, but I was headed right down that road, and it made me afraid for my future. Meanwhile, I was registered for college classes I wasn’t paying for AND I was skipping them. So mix in some guilt in there too with the frustration.

One of the resolutions was just to have some space from thinking period, which made me feel lighter and more peaceful. It was like erasing a chalk board full of stuff on it. Then, I could deliberately choose what I wanted to add on to it.

This book alone helped me be a match for more upbeat, positive people. This book was my introduction to meditation. It just showed me how much my own mind was beating me down. I hadn’t ever considered that I could actually just turn my thinking off. It was soooo freeing to be able to have some space from my negative thoughts that had gone on for decades.

Meditation and spiritual teachers have been a well for me to go back to when I feel like I’m getting bogged down by life. I can take care of things a lot better when I’m taking care of my own peace of mind.

The Pick-Up Artist – Erik von Markovik

I really wasn’t motivated by pick-up until I moved in with a friend who was naturally great with women. When I lived with him, there were just so many women in our world largely due to him, so it made me curious as to what he was doing to bring them into our world. He invited nudged me to share my love of music more with everyone, which pushed things to a whole nother level. We went out to clubs and bars and events all the time.

I still remember the 5 things from this book. Leader of men, protector of loved ones, preselection, willingness to emote and successful risk taker. If you watch enough nature documentaries you’ll even see these in the animals. It’s like a biological, evolutionary thing.

People were really turned off by the formulaic, forced aspect of pick-up overall and the inauthentic, canned routines – as they should be. But to me, the underlying principle to the formulas and routines that I can align with is this – be a better man (embody masculinity) and the feminine will be drawn like a moth to a flame. And so, the next books you’ll see stem from my desire to learn what it meant to be a better man.

No More Mr. Nice Guy – Robert Glover

I remember this book being about honesty and maintaining integrity – and sometimes that isn’t nice.

Reading these types of books and moving in with three other masculine men helped me see, and more importantly feel what I missed out on growing up. Up until that point, I really didn’t understand why not having a father around mattered. I could write a book on this. It would be titled The Absence of the Masculine.

Growing up around all women led to me HAVING to please women and be nice all the time, and this did a lot to offset my polarity while watering down an already muffled voice.

Luckily there was music to offset this. I felt the total opposite as it relates to music. I was learning music and performing and in the choir so my voice was heard a lot. I could be free and was encouraged to make mistakes.

Outside of music though, my voice was drowned out by a chaotic household. There was no masculine to balance that chaos out and calm it and ground it effectively. I think that’s why The Power of Now was so powerful for me. I read this in college, and that was the first time I felt like I got some peace.

This book (along with living with very blunt and honest roommates) gave me permission to be honest – and there is nothing more freeing than being honest. It also showed me that people respond well to genuine truth whereas my family seemed to drown it out.

Living Abstinently

Remember the chaotic household? Yeah one of the most chaotic things was our eating habits. We pretty much ate fast food every day, little to no cooking and were all fat! was a program that FINALLY introduced some structure by way of food that made complete sense, and this book was an overview of that program. There was also other books we used a lot though too.

It was so simple and not profit-motivated. There was no buy-this-food-from-my-company in it – just normal foods you buy on the outside perimeter of the grocery store. It was FINALLY an answer to the question I had for decades on how to TRULY lose weight – specifically fat with JUST nutrition and what I was eating. I lost about 110 lbs through this program. It was like my body was saying “thank you for finally putting some stuff we can really use in here”. I gained the weight back plus more when I left the program, but I can’t erase what they taught me over there. It checked so many boxes, and I will be forever grateful.

The Illusion of Money – Kyle Cease

This is for the money chasers or if you feel like you’re chasing anything period. Chasing can get exhausting if you feel like the chase never ends.

There was soooo much talk of money in my family ALL the time. All that talk heavily influenced me to get into accounting in college (seeing as I have a whole family of accountants). The rap music I was listening to was always talking about money. It made me exhausted of thinking about money. Like damn…we’re not gonna focus on anything else here?

HOW I was making money became a lot more important around this time. Life started to be REALLY good, and for the first time it was starting to feel unbearable to keep doing the flat, boring, repetitive, meaningless slave work that had served me in the past to just stay afloat financially.

I read book this after attending Kyle Cease’s conference Love Rising. And I started working on Social Expansion (now Welcome Home) right there. It felt good to finally work on something NOT for the money.

The Big Leap – Gay Hendricks

So…things were going amazing. It made me feel like, “damn…this was more along the lines of the experience of life I was supposed to have”. Then everything crashed, and it seemed like I made it crash. I remember sitting and tryin’ to figure out WTF happened.

The Big Leap is one of the only books I know that addressed this as what is phrased as an “Upper Limit” problem. Things get too good, and you aren’t used to things being this good for this long, so you get scared and sabotage yourself and bring yourself back down to the comfortable problems you’re used to experiencing. At the time of this writing, it’s the book I want to revisit the most.

Atomic Habits – James Clear

This is one of those books where I just read it off recommendations. It gets recommended everywhere in the personal development space, so I read it and understood why it was recommended. Just reinforced the idea that big things come from the small. There are a lot of ways that idea can be applied, and I hadn’t thought of the ways presented in this book.

Will – Willard Carroll Smith II aka The Fresh Prince aka Will Smith

Let’s go Willard! I loved this book because of the dynamics of the audiobook. There was actually music in this book along with all the twists and turns his life took. It really kept my attention for over 16 hours! That’s damn hard to do. It wove in all the different parts of his story – including the bad and ugly. I appreciated his transparency, and as a creator I learned a lot about creating an engaging EXPERIENCE for the person on the other side of the creation (the reader/listener/viewer).

Can’t Hurt Me – David Goggins

This is up there with me as far as the best books ever – top two next to The Power of Now.

It really inspired me to examine and be curious about the limits of what my mind is telling me is possible on a day-to -day basis, and it’s written by a VERY credible source. David Goggins has really pushed himself and CONTINUES to push himself incredibly hard to find his true potential, and it’s so inspiring to me.

This dude is SO badass that there is ANOTHER BOOK made of someone living with him called Living with a Seal (I haven’t read that one, but I could just imagine what’s in it). If you ever feel defeated, pick this up. Like…now yo.

Give me some time to internalize his work and the messages, and I won’t be so fanboyishly in awe of it.

Honorable Mentions

50th Law – Curtis Jackson (50 Cent) and Robert Greene

I loved only the parts where 50 cent was speaking (at the beginning of the chapters). He would say something short in the beginning of the chapter and then Robert Greene would expound on it. I thought they could have cut Robert Greene’s part off though. It seemed like it was fluff to me.

The MagicRhonda Byrne

This book is all about appreciation and really explores creative ways to appreciate. I’ve loved Rhonda Byrne’s style since her documentary The Secret. She’s so resolute about positivity. Of the author’s on this list that have authored more than one book, she’s the only author on this list where I can say I’ve read ALL of her books (except her latest Masterclasses…I just found out about them yesterday).

The Courage to Be Disliked

This might go along with No More Mr. Nice Guy. I just happened to read this one later. I think I was also diving into exploring freedom and what that meant, and this showed up. There’s a lot written about systemic freedoms, but this and other books I’ve read deal with freedom internally. It’s about facing a hidden fear of being disliked (if you have that fear).

Well…that’s all folks for now. These were the books that stood out to me as the best.

How to SUCK at Being an Imposter in Among Us 150 150 admin

How to SUCK at Being an Imposter in Among Us

Photo Source Here

Before we get started on how to SUCK at being an imposter, I want to get a few things out of the way.

  1. I’ve been playing Among Us for some time now, so this article comes with a lot of experience at sucking. When I get voted off as imposter, I can usually pinpoint a reason why. I want to share those reasons with you here.
  2. I started off playing in random rooms with no voice chats, and to me, it’s a way better experience to be able to talk to other players through voice chat or Zoom, so this article will be written from that perspective.

COOL. ? Let’s get right into the good stuff – how to SUCK at being a COT DAMN imposter!

Don’t Talk During The Meetings ?

Being too quiet makes you look sus – ESPECIALLY if people have been playing with you, and you’re not usually quiet when you play with said people. If you want to suck, stay quiet and sus. Maybe someone will be like me and randomly accuse you of being too quiet, which catches you off guard and makes you look even MORE sus.

Talk Too Much During the Meetings ?

You can definitely talk your way right out of a win, and this is VITAL if you want to be a trash imposter. Say anything! Keep talking over people and be overly defensive if someone accuses you. Assuming that what you’re saying is lies, players that are good at deductive reasoning will be able to put the pieces together and sniff you out as the imposter so fast it will make your COT DAMN head spin! If you REALLY wanna SUCK and take this to the next level, actually tell the truth.

Kill Too Fast ?

Patience is NOT a virtue if you wanna be a terrible imposter. If you’re killing in hurry, you’re bound to mess up and have someone stumble onto a body with your name on it! There are soooo many scenarios where you can get caught up if you kill quickly. The possibilities are truly endless. Now go out there and get found out!

Kill Too Slow? ?

Ehhh… if you wanna suck at being an imposter, killing too slow isn’t really the issue it’s made out to be – ESPECIALLY the more people you have.

The more people there are, the likelihood of all crewmates completing ALL of their assigned tasks becomes slim to none because….

  • Some crewmates forget about tasks.
  • A crewmate might be secretly salty because they either got sliced up or voted off and leave a task(s) undone on purpose. Example of that crewmate: “They voted me off for no reason. Screw them! I GOT TASKS LEFT BUT…I AINT DOIN SHIT!” ?
  • New players might not know how to complete harder tasks.

If you want to align with sucking as an imposter, and you want to kill slowly to support that worthy goal, then you must go HARD here. You must commit to killing at a snail’s pace or even not killing at all. That way there will be more than enough meetings for you to get found out or there will be more than enough time for the crewmates to complete tasks – even the salty ones.

There is a sweet spot as to how much you should talk and how fast or slow you should kill to win the game as an imposter. After playing a lot of games, you’ll start to be able to find those sweet spots and you’ll develop your own style. Avoid these sweet spots at all costs, because you don’t want win as an imposter. You’re here to FAIL!

Be Clueless About the Tasks and Room Locations ?

Tasks? Who cares! Maps smaps. You don’t need to know what specific tasks are on each map and where. Just wing it, and make sure to sound very unsure of yourself when you’re inevitably asked about it during a meeting. If you’re a good crewmate who actually does tasks, then the tasks should be fresh in your mind because JUST did them. If you DON’T remember the tasks then well…the first assumption will be that you don’t have any tasks because you’re the damn impasta! When you’re asked about your location when the meeting was called, clueless is definitely the way to go. ?

Don’t Use Sabotages ?

Sabotages? Who needs em? Why did the game even include them?

I mean sure…when there are three people left (you, the imposter and two crewmates) you could guarantee a win by just sabotaging and killing one person during the sabotage. Also, if people are hanging out in a group, sabotages could break up the group at least a little and get people moving around since it’s super difficult to kill while everyone is together. Keep this in mind though – those are reasons why you’d use sabotages to WIN as imposter. YOUR goal is to be as TRASH as you can be at this thing we call being an imposter.

Be Predictable ?

If you have certain signature moves or ways of killing, good players will surely pick up on them if they play with you enough. Are you the one that’s known to always turn off the lights and kill in Electrical? Then DAMNIT, turn off the DAMN lights and kill in Electrical! That way they’ll know it’s you. You can’t go wrong here.

Are you the one that’s always reporting dead bodies? That’s not sus at all! Just keep reporting them!

Anything you always do…just keep doing that and keep getting voted off the ship.

Randomly Start Blaming Other Players With No Evidence ??

I don’t need to say too much about this one, but it’s definitely one that will get you tossed up out of the ship quickly.

Start saying things like “Well, it could be *insert random player* because *insert bullshit reason*. Also, I think it could be *insert a different random player* because *insert different bullshit reason*”.

You’ll want to blame lots of people here and give super weak reasons why you think they’re sus. This will surely have people looking at you with the side eye. ?

Let the Good Players Stick Around ?️‍♂️

This one is usually the biggest reason I get caught. If you want to lose, do not, I repeat, DO NOT kill off the good players. Let them linger around as long as they possibly can.

Newer players and the experienced players that just suck as crewmates (that’s a whole nother article!) might not be able to pick up on what the other things listed above mean. They might not be able to pinpoint who’s behind a massive killing spree that happened in one round. They won’t know who’s telling lies about their tasks because they don’t know the tasks and/or the map layouts themselves. Good players can pick up on ALL that though.

Yup… don’t kill the good players early, and give the them a chance to put ALL the pieces of the puzzle together to solve the case. SPACED!

Final Thoughts

That’s all I got. Again, when I lose as imposter and when I see other people lose as imposter, it’s usually at least one of these reasons listed above if not a combination of them.

That being said, these aren’t all hard and fast rules. There is NOTHING for certain in the unpredictable game that is Among Us. That’s what makes this shit fun as hell.

Finding Your Tribe: Moving Beyond Blood Ties to Discover a Family That Truly Resonates 150 150 admin

Finding Your Tribe: Moving Beyond Blood Ties to Discover a Family That Truly Resonates

In the quest for self-discovery and a sense of belonging, many of us turn to our roots. I did a genealogy test a while back, which revealed that I’m 70% West African, 27% European, and 3% other. This sparked a curiosity within me. What would it be like to connect with those parts of my heritage? To visit Africa, Britain, France, and Germany, and see the lands of my ancestors?

Unearthing Your Genetic History

Understanding your genetic history and aligning it with family stories can provide a deeper understanding of your roots. It might allow you to see the direction and momentum your family was going in. But what if your blood family doesn’t fully resonate with who you are or aspire to be? This is where the concept of finding your tribe comes into play.

Embracing the Different Parts of You

Each of us is a unique blend of experiences, passions, struggles, and inspirations. These facets of our personality don’t have to exist in isolation. In fact, they can serve as a compass, guiding us towards our tribe – the people who share our struggles, are inspired by the same things, and understand our experiences.

It’s rare to find people who have:

  1. Owned the different parts of themselves.
  2. Proactively sought to connect with others who share those same parts.

Following Your Intuition to Find Your Tribe

My journey to find my tribe led me down unexpected paths. I explored many ways of making money, particularly online, as the traditional path of education and a 9-5 job didn’t resonate with me. This journey connected me with people who were on the same path, and those who had already figured it out.

I also struggled with weight issues and a dysfunctional relationship with food. Connecting with people who were making passive income worked so well for me, I thought I could do the same thing with food. And it worked! I lost a significant amount of weight, and more importantly, I learned so much about myself, my habits, and how to help others.

Deepening Connections and Feeling Welcomed

By exploring these different areas, you start to develop deep relationships because you are accessing and sharing deep parts of yourself. People can experience and connect with the depth in your character. This all made me feel a lot more welcomed on the earth. Everyone should at least experience this, right? It’s somewhat presumptuous to tell everyone how they should feel, but who would object to feeling welcomed?

In a world of billions of people and the internet to connect the majority of them, you have so many options to find your tribe. Proactively look for the different parts of you in others and connect with them. When you really get this going, it’s like fireworks and a beautiful party is happening inside of you. This is the beauty of finding your tribe – a family that truly resonates with you.