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How to deal with emotional eating during weight loss? 150 150 admin

How to deal with emotional eating during weight loss?

When you’re trying to eat healthier to lose weight, different emotions can surface that you’ve been pushing down. When they’re brought up to the surface you can choose to deal with those emotions by going THROUGH them and not resisting rather than avoiding them because they’re unpleasant.

When I was eating in a way that my body responded well too (plant-based) I could definitely tell the difference emotionally. Normally, my emotions would be all over the place but as I became more aligned with healthy eating, I noticed my emotions becoming more stable and even-keel overall, but there would be times different emotions hit me hard. It might have been extreme sadness, or depression or loneliness, or even rage. Those times, I was instructed to call someone and talk it through, or write it down and get it “up and out” so I don’t get stuck in the same cycle of repetitive thinking and feeling.

Identify Your Triggers

I was fortunate enough to join a 12-step program for food addiction, so I worked through a lot of my triggers with my sponsor. Every day I talk to her and tell her what came up and we worked through the triggers one by one. In return, I would be a listening ear to help others through their emotions.

We actually had a phrase called HALTS that helped us identify the common emotional triggers. HALTS stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, Stressed. Granted hungry is not strictly an emotion, it’s a condition, but it was by far my strongest trigger. Eating at regular intervals was important because the worst time to decide what to eat is when you’re hungry.

Be like an observer throughout your day and take inventory. When do you go to junk foods? When do you eat unconsciously? What do you do when emotions that are deemed as “negative” surface (like anger, sadness, loneliness, apathy, etc)?

Find Help/Support

If you’re having problems with this, consider seeking help. It’s one of the big three (health, wealth, and relationships) that play a big part in determining the quality of your life. Get whatever help you need to suffice whether it be a therapist, registered dietitian, joining a 12-step program, one-on-one coach. Reach out for help and take charge of your well-being.

Top 13 Badass Animals And Why They’re Badass 150 150 admin

Top 13 Badass Animals And Why They’re Badass

Ready to dive straight into the thrillin’ wilderness? Well, buckle up because we’re about to embark on a ripper of a journey. Let’s explore the amazing world of nature’s true bosses – the top badass animals on this great blue planet.

From the mean streets of the outback with fearsome honey badgers to the ocean’s wild depths filled with monstrous great white sharks, we’re going to take a gander at some of the toughest, deadliest, and most fearless animals in the world.

So let’s not waffle around and head straight into the heart of the wild, discovering what makes each of these creatures truly the ultimate champions of survival. Buckle up, mates! It’s bound to be a wild ride!

Table of Contents

  1. Honey Badger
  2. Komodo Dragon
  3. Saltwater Crocodile
  4. African Elephant
  5. Great White Shark
  6. Wolverine
  7. Polar Bear
  8. Anaconda
  9. African Buffalo
  10. Tasmanian Devils
  11. Bald Eagle
  12. Pygmy Marmoset
  13. Cape Buffalo

Honey Badger

Ferocious Honey Badger Defying All Odds

I’m sure many of you have heard about the notorious Honey Badger; but if you haven’t, you’re in for a treat! This formidable creature is not just your average mammal, nah, but a testament to survival in the harsh world of the African savannah and beyond!

The Honey Badger, or the Ratel as it’s also known, is one small creature that’s got the guts and the girth to take on any challenge that comes its way. You see, when it comes to toughness, this little bugger is right on top. It’s got a thick, rubbery skin almost a quarter of an inch thick that’s so tough, it can withstand the likes of arrows, spears, and even bites from some snakes! It is essentially impervious!

Now, you might be thinking ‘well, yeah, surviving a snake bite is impressive, but can it withstand the poison?’ And the answer is a big YES! You see, the Honey Badger is not just the bear of the honey world, its resiliency to venom is some kind of next level resilience!

Not only can it survive snake bites, it practically thrives on them! Its diet includes some of the world’s most venomous snakes, and it is seemingly unaffected by the deadly venom! It eats scorpions, bees, and wasps too! This level of resistance to toxins that would knock out other animals is due to some special protein they have. It’s basically built like a natural tank!

But that’s not all. What sets the Honey Badger apart is not just its natural armor and venom resistance, but also its never-back-down attitude. This animal is one of the most fearless creatures on our planet. It stands its ground against lions, hyenas, and even packs of wild dogs!

Contrary to its size, the Honey Badger has an impressive strength that even bigger predators fear. When it locks its jaws onto something, your best shot is to consider it gone. Its jaws are so powerful that it can break a turtle’s shell. Now that’s some force!

Not impressed yet? Well, hold onto your hats! The Honey Badger is also a superb digger. It can dig into hard ground in mere seconds, creating a burrow to escape predators or hunt its prey. And the tenacity of this critter is astounding; when blocked from the front, it will back out of its tunnel rear first, attacking anything that gets in its way!

So, what’s the takeaway from the tale of the Honey Badger? Well, mates, it’s that size is just a number, and the Honey Badger encapsulates this perfectly. It might not be the biggest critter out there, but it sure is one of the toughest. It embodies courage, perseverance, and sheer determination, proving that even the smallest of creatures can hold their ground against the biggest adversaries. What a worthy champ!

In the grand scheme of things, we can all learn a thing or two from this Badger. In life, it’s not the size of the fighter, but the size of the fight within. No wonder they always say, ‘Honey Badger doesn’t care, Honey Badger doesn’t give a…’

Komodo Dragon

Komodo Dragon prowling in its natural habitat

Can you imagine a raw example of evolution, where power meets instinct and results in sheer corridor of sheer awe and terror? Let’s start our journey to the Indonesian archipelago, introducing one of the most stunning and intimidating creatures to grace this Earth: the mighty Komodo Dragon!

First things first, the boldest stroke in the Komodo Dragon’s badass canvas is its tremendous size. We’re talking about a creature that can grow up to 10 feet long and weigh over 300 pounds – that’s equal to nearly five full-grown human beings! With such a size, it holds the title of being the world’s largest lizard.

However, it’s not just the size that makes this beast so awe-inspiring; it’s got the killer senses to match. Just like a snake, the Komodo uses its forked tongue to taste and sense chemicals in the air.  This ability perfectly complements its excellent vision, enabling it to spot a potential meal from a distance of up to 300 meters. Now, that’s some serious hunting mojo!

The Impeccable Speed and Sturdy Jaw

Despite their huge, bulky bodies, don’t you mistake these creatures for being slow pokes. These beauts can sprint up to speeds of 20 kilometers per hour when chasing their prey. It’s an unbelievably quick and agile beast, so don’t judge it by its lounging-around demeanor!

And once their prey is in sight, their powerful jaws come into play. Armed with around 60 sharp, serrated teeth, the Komodo Dragon’s bone-crushing bite is the stuff of nightmares, literally. Imagine them chomping down on their prey with a force of up to 39 newtons. Sheesh, you don’t fancy being on the receiving end of that, would you?

The Deadly Venom and Unmatched Resilience

As if sharp teeth and a formidable bite weren’t enough, these blokes setting new standards of badassery by having venom glands loaded with toxins. So, when they bite, these toxins flow into the victim’s wound, affecting blood pressure, causing hemorrhaging, and inducing shock. They’re venomous as a snake and just as mean!

Furthermore, their ruggedness and resilience are second to none in the animal kingdom. They can survive harsh climates and tough conditions unthinkable for many creatures. And did I mention, they are incredibly resistant to most infections that would quickly knock out other creatures? They owe their immunity to a set of blood proteins that provide an astonishingly strong antimicrobial effect. Inspiring, innit?

Saltwater Crocodile

Saltwater Crocodile lurking on the shoreline

If there’s one thing the vast crocodile family does not lack, it’s diversity. But among all the species that command respect and a little bit of healthy fear, one stands out. The saltwater crocodile! Also known as “salties”, this species is the finest illustration of wild, unrefined power and survival skills. Coiled muscles shimmer under scaly armor, eyes gleaming with an ancient wisdom…

The Pinnacle of Physical Strength

The saltwater crocodile is not just a product of millions of years of evolution, but a testament to its successful survival. It’s the largest of all living reptiles, with males often reaching 7 meters in length. What’s impressive is not just its size, but the power hidden within that scaly body. No creature wants to be caught in a saltie’s powerful jaws! A bite force of up to 3,700 pounds per square inch? Bloody hell, that’s about the same force as a T-Rex! Not to mention their surprising speed, both in the water and on land. So, don’t let their slow lumbering on land fool ya, mate! When a salty decides to charge, it can cover a short distance faster than you’d think.

Survivalists Extraordinaire

Apart from their physical prowess, saltwater crocodiles are also bloody superb survivors. These creatures live in the brutal environments of the Indo-Pacific, a region that houses some of the harshest living conditions for any animal. And yet, our salties thrive here, adapted to live in both salty and fresh water. They are also opportunistic feeders, which means that they’re not too fussy about their meal. From water buffalo, to monkeys, to sharks – they’re all on the menu! There’s a reason these crocs are holding their own while other species sadly fade into oblivion.

Intrepid Parents

We’ve talked about the saltwater croc as a force to be reckoned with, but let’s not forget about their parenting instincts. These prehistoric-looking critters are surprisingly caring parents. Both the male and the female protect the nest and guard the younglings. Mama crocs are particularly vigilant, lugging the babies around in their powerful jaws and protecting them fiercely. It’s touching to see such a potent display of care from something so deadly.

In short, the saltwater crocodile has no need for fictional enhancements. It’s got everything it needs to be a genuine badass! A survivor of the test of time, an apex predator, and a loving parent, the saltwater croc is truly a marvel of nature. When you respect its space and admire it from a distance – as you surely should – you get to see one of Mother Nature’s finest creations in all its glory!

African Elephant

African Elephant majestically roaming in the wild

If you call yourself an animal lover, then there’s no doubt you’ve got a special place in your heart for the marvelous and magnificent African Elephant. The largest land animal in the world, this extraordinary creature is simply a testament to nature’s sheer power and majesty.

What doesn’t, mate?! Tipping the scales at a staggering 6 to 7 tons, the African Elephant stands head and shoulders above all the rest. But their grandeur isn’t just about their size – the African Elephant is tough, intelligent, and filled with surprises!

Their incredible strength and endurance aren’t just on show – these big guys can roam up to 50 miles a day in search of food and water. Quit your whining about the commute to work, am I right? They’ve got a varied diet, chowing down on all sorts of plants, fruits, and hey, they love a bit of bark too!

A telltale feature of the African Elephant, and one which gives them unmatched badass status, is their undeniably powerful and versatile trunk. This bloody cool ‘nose’ is a tool for eating, drinking, bathing, smelling, touching and – get this – even sound production. Now talk about an all in one gadget!

Not to mention, these beasts are super smart. They’ve got the largest brain of any land animal, and they know how to use it! Their memories are astounding, they mourn their dead, and have been known to show empathy. Quite the gentle giants they are!

Why is the African Elephant so Important?

Apart from being living proof that Mother Nature has a knack for the extraordinary, these leviathans play a critical role in their ecosystems. They clear pathways through the dense vegetation, making room for smaller creatures to get by. They distribute seeds through their droppings, helping to grow the flora. No kidding, without these champions, the landscapes of Africa would look quite different!

Also, their mere presence helps to control the population of certain tree species, which in turn affects the population of certain animal species. It’s a whole delicate balancing act being guided by our hefty heroes – the African Elephants.

Preserving these Giants

These elegant badasses of the wild aren’t just here for our admiration – they’re crucial to our planet’s health. Unfortunately, they face real challenges – poaching for ivory and habitat loss are only a few. We’ve got to fight to protect these beauties, because without them, not only would we be losing one of the most remarkable creatures on earth, but we’d also be disrupting an important link in the ecological chain.

We need to remember, these stunning behemoths aren’t just beautiful to watch, they’re essential to the very fabric of life on this planet. Now that’s what I call a true badass!

Great White Shark

Great White Shark cruising in the deep blue ocean

If there’s one predator that stands atop the marine kingdom, it’s the legendary Great White Shark. These creatures are apex predators, which means they have no natural enemies and are at the tippy top of the food chain. They are a living testament to nature’s impressive design capabilities.

These jaw-dropping, fin-tastic creatures are massive, with adults commonly reaching lengths of up to 4.5-6.4 meters (15-21 feet). That’s about the length of three grown men! The Great White’s size isn’t just for show either. It plays a crucial role in its survival, aiding in predator avoidance, prey capture, and temperature regulation.

A Terrifying Smile

Are you ready for a toothy grin that makes the hair on your neck stand up? Great White Sharks have an impressive set of about 300 serrated, triangular teeth, cleverly arranged in several rows. Golly, can you imagine needing to see the dentist with that many teeth? When one tooth breaks off, another one from the row behind it replaces it. So no matter how many times they bite, they always have a mouthful of sharp teeth ready to go! Just imagine the grin on this fella!

Fin-tastic Swimmers

Great White Sharks are well designed for their ocean lifestyle. They have a unique, streamlined body shape that allows fantastically efficient movement through the water, reaching speeds up to 24 kilometers per hour (15 mph). Their powerful tail fin propels them forward while the rest of their fins aid in steering. It’s like they’ve got their own built-in motorboat engines! Plus, they can leap right out of the water in an incredible display of power and agility, often resulting in their prey’s unlucky day.

Stealth Hunters

If you think ninjas are skilled in stealth, wait till you hear about these sharks. Great Whites are masters of camouflage and surprise, using a technique called “countershading.” Their dark upper bodies blend in with the murk of the deep sea when viewed from above. Conversely, their white underbellies mimic the bright surface waters when looked at from below. It’s like they’re invisible! This perfect blend of stealth and deception makes them highly efficient hunters.

Sharpened Senses

Great Whites have an exceptional array of senses. Their remarkable hearing can pick up the frequency of a struggling fish, their sight adjusts perfectly to the low light conditions of the deep ocean, and oh mate, let’s not forget their incredible ability to detect electromagnetic fields produced by other living creatures, thanks to their Ampullae of Lorenzini. It’s not just fancy science speak; Acute sensory perception sets them apart in the grand scheme of nature’s marine predators.

The Great White Shark is, without a doubt, one of the most badass creatures in the ocean. Its formidable size, highly-developed senses, awesome speed, and hunting prowess make it a truly efficient predator. However, despite their fearsome reputation, these sharks are crucial to maintaining the balance in our ocean ecosystems. So let’s appreciate these oceanic titans from a safe distance and do our part to conserve and protect them.


Wolverine fiercely strolling through the snow

When we talk about the wolverine, you might be thinking about Hugh Jackman’s suave performance as Wolverine in the X-Men series, but today we’re talking about the real, wild, astonishing animal. If ever there was an animal that embodied the spirit of unyielding resolution and raw strength, it’s got to be the wolverine, mate!

Size doesn’t define Strength

Wolverines ain’t the biggest of critters. In fact, they’re small compared to other members of the carnivore club, weighing only about 20-30 kilos. Yet, don’t let size fool you! The wolverine boasts an impressive perfect blend of tenacity, aggression, and strength. These creatures carry enough daring attitude to take down prey many times their size. Whether it’s a caribou or a full-grown moose, when a wolverine sets its eyes on its supper, it rarely falls short.

The Incredible Adaption and Climbing Skills

These lovable rogues, full of spunk and zest, got amazing adaptability too. They’re built to endure some of the harshest and coldest climates on earth. Thick fur that’s waterproof and frost proof, broad feet that act like snowshoes, and long, strong claws that are great for digging and climbing, make the wolverine a real survivor in the rugged terrain of the Arctic. Astonishing as it sounds, you might see a wolverine joyfully rompin’ up and down the hills during the harsh cold winters. Now, that’s what I call a true mountain-goer!

The Incredibly Solitary Lives

Wolverines are solitary creatures, choosing to spend their lives mainly in their lonesome. Covering vast territories, scavenging for food and with a reputation for avoiding competition, they embody the true spirit of self-reliance and independence. This doesn’t mean they’re not great parents, though. Mother wolverines are known to provide for their little kits tirelessly until they’re old enough to fend for themselves. That’s commendable dedication, right?

Epitome of Fearlessness

Wolverines are known to exhibit indomitable spirit in standing up to threats. They’ve been known to steal a kill from larger predators like wolves and bears, which just goes to show the audacity of these remarkable beasties. That’s extreme courage under fire, mate!

The Survivor

As fierce and tough as they are, wolverines are struggling. Climate changes and habitat loss are the biggest challenges they face today. Yet, they continue to show their survival streak, just like they always have, fighting against the odds and demonstrating what true resilience is. So, the next time you hear about a wolverine, don’t just think about the comic book hero. Remember, there’s a real creature in the wild that’s just as, if not more, incredible.

Polar Bear

Polar Bear dominant on Arctic ice

Have you ever stopped and really considered the majesty of the polar bear? I mean, these creatures are absolutely incredible! As resilient as they are magnificent, these wild beasts live in some of the harshest conditions our beautiful planet has to offer, and not only survive, but thrive. They are so much tougher than they’re given credit for!

The polar bear isn’t just a fluffy, cute creature, no siree! They are one of the absolute badasses of the animal kingdom. Just picture it – the polar bear, indigenous to the Arctic Circle, enduring temperatures that can dip as low as -45 degrees Celsius. Can you imagine? And they don’t even break a sweat, mate!

Instead, these Kingdom Animalia members are incredibly well-adapted to their icy surroundings. Believe it or not, they actually have double-layered fur to keep them warm. Even their paws are furry to provide insulation and grip on the ice.

And their size! Oh boy, these are not some average-sized bears, mates. A fully-grown male polar bear can stand up to 10 feet tall and can easily weigh in at an astonishing 680 kilograms. That’s as heavy as a small car! It makes them the largest land carnivore in the world. That’s right, WORLD!

Mind you, they’re not lumbering brutes either. These bears are surprisingly agile on land and in the water. They can run as fast as 40 kilometers per hour on land. And in the water, they transform into skilled swimmers, capable of paddling for hours to cross vast distances.

They are also supreme hunters known for incredible patience and cunning when stalking their preferred prey, the ringed seal. Blending in with their environment, a polar bear will cleverly wait near a breathing hole in the ice, then BAM! Yank the seal out when it comes up for air. Their skillful stalking and hunting behaviors qualify them as downright legendary!

But it’s not all fun and ice games. Polar bears are also looking out for the next generation. Female polar bears build themselves a den, one that can be buried under a meter or more of snow, to give birth to their young. The cubs are first nurtured in the cozy den before being introduced to the harsh Arctic world. Now, isn’t that admirable?

It takes a really unique creature to survive, let alone thrive, in such a harsh environment as the polar bear does. Battling the freezing cold, hunting on the treacherous ice, swimming icy waters, and lovingly raising their young – polar bears, mates, are the real deal!


Green Anaconda slithering in the wild

Anacondas are truly the largest snakes in the world; not in length, but in girth and weight. Think about this for a second: an anaconda can grow up to 30 feet long and weigh up to 550 whopping pounds. They’re the heavyweights of the serpent world – the kind to make even the saltwater crocs take a step back. How’s that for impressive?

But their size is barely the tip of the iceberg. These creatures are born survivors. They’ve adapted impeccably to their lush, aquatic habitats in the rainforests of South America. Just like a crocodile, an anaconda is a masterful swimmer. Thriving in both the water and land, these beauties boast a deft stealthiness that is unfathomable for their girth. Awe-inspiring, isn’t it?

Anacondas are also constrictors – meaning, they don’t use venom to immobilize their prey. Instead, they use pure, raw strength. An anaconda’s modus operandi is wrapping itself around potential meals, squeezing tighter every time the unfortunate creature exhales, until it can no longer breathe. There’s something undeniably badass about that, don’t you think?

And let’s not forget their jaw-dropping feeding capabilities. These serpents can unhinge their jaws and consume animals significantly larger than their head size – from caimans to capybaras. The act itself is an example of nature’s awesome power. This giant serpent literally morphs its body to accommodate its hefty meal.

Yet, despite their deadly prowess, anacondas are surprisingly gentle when it comes to their babies. Unlike other reptiles that lay eggs and then abandon their offspring, anacondas give live birth and often stay with their young for a while. This nurturing behavior showcases a more tender side to these otherwise intimidating creatures.

Another fascinating aspect of these snakes is their longevity. Anacondas in captivity have been known to live over 30 years. That’s akin to most parrots and even few primates. They evolve, survive, and adapt; perpetual occupants of Earth, living reducers of the process of natural selection, making them valuable contributors to their ecosystems.

Still, it’s important to remember that anacondas, like all wildlife, face significant threats from habitat loss and hunting. Preserving these mighty serpents – and their contribution to the biodiversity of the rainforest – is essential. After all, every creature has its part to play in the grand drama of life, and the anaconda is no exception.

African Buffalo

African Buffalo stampeding in the savanna.

Step right up, mates, and feast ye orbs on the African Buffalo, a true titan of the wild, possessing a unique jigsaw of traits that stand testament to Mother Nature’s art of survival. Now, this isn’t one of those domesticated critters you might see mooing in a meadow. Oh no, this one’s a bona fide bad-boy of the animal kingdom. A magnificent beast with brute strength, a formidable herd instinct and an uncanny resilience, the African Buffalo not only stands hoof-to-hoof with its fiercest competitors and predators but often charges them down without batting an eye.

The African Buffalo, should you ever cross paths, is an obvious behemoth of the grasslands. With a bodyweight ranging from 300 to 900 kilos (heck, that’s heavier than a grand piano!), and standing a massive 1 to 1.7 meters tall at the shoulder, these fellows are like the hard-hitting rugby players of the wild, sporting a strong neck, broad chest and tough skin to boot, showcasing nature’s incredible design for survival.

But it’s not just about physical power with these big blokes. They are the embodiments of solidarity and teamwork too. African Buffalo herds stick together like peas in a pod. If one member of the herd is under attack – crikey! – the rest of them wouldn’t stand around chewing cud; they’d come charging like a battering ram, confronting the threat as one formidable unit. Talk about mateship!

Nobody really fancies taking on a nearly one-tonne beast with a fiercely loyal herd and a formidable pair of horns. Even the mighty lion, the king of the jungle himself, knows to tread lightly around the African buffalo. Put one lion against one buffalo, and I tell you what, it’s a fifty-fifty. The outcome usually depends on which one of them woke up on the right side of the bed that day.

And there’s another astounding fact about these bad boys: they possess a remarkable resistance to disease. The African Buffalo is resistant to many diseases that cripple other animal species in the wild. From viruses to worms to poisonous plants, these beasts have a phenomenal immune system that helps them champion the harsh pitfalls of living in the wild.

The African buffalo is, therefore, a true exhibit of nature’s resiliency, strength and unity, teaching us a powerful lesson about survival. In the face of adversities and predators, whether it be the scorching sun of the African plains or a marauding pride of lions, the buffalo doesn’t yield, but charges head-on.

Tasmanian Devils

Tasmanian Devil scaring off adversaries

When we think about the most intrepid characters in the animal kingdom, the mind automatically runs to big cats, massive sharks, venomous snakes, or alligators. Yet, tucked away on the rugged island of Tasmania lives an unassuming yet ground-breaking creature that belies its small size with ferocious behaviour and unmatched sass – The Tasmanian Devil!

The Tasman’s Fierce Fighter

The Tasmanian Devil, or ‘Tassie Devil’ as it’s affectionately known, is no Beelzebub. But, by crikey, it’s got a fiery reputation! Unlike the mischievous Looney Tunes cartoon character, the real Tasmanian Devil isn’t spinning around in a tornado of chaos. This dark-furred carnivorous marsupial is the size of a small dog and it can put up a ferocious fight when threatened.

Living Up to the Name

Considered the world’s largest carnivorous marsupial, the Tassie Devil certainly lives up to its nefarious name for several reasons. First off, this critter has a bone-crushing bite. It can gnaw through bones and tear carcasses apart with a fervour you’d never expect from such a small creature! With a bite pressure that rivals a tiger, the Tasmanian Devil owns one of the most powerful bites in the mammal kingdom for its size. That’s totally ripping!

Devilish Behaviour

And don’t let the Tassie Devil’s size fool you. This wild critter’s endurance and speed are unmatched – they can run up to 13 km/h for a whopping hour! Their gruff, growl-like screech, particularly when they are fighting or feeding, can give anyone the heebie-jeebies and earned them their ‘devilish’ name. Remember, if it sounds like a squabble in the middle of the Tasmanian night, it’s likely a Devil feeding frenzy!

The Durable Devil

The Tasmanian Devil is an incredible survivor, displaying remarkable adaptations to environmental changes and diseases. These critters are built tough and beautifully embody the rugged charm of their island home. Their unique, ultrasonic-like sneezes, designed to assert dominance and scare off competition, are a testament to their gritty survival instincts.

Saving the Icon

Sadly, these tenacious creatures are now endangered due to a gnarly contagious cancer called Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD). But don’t lose hope yet, mate! Some devils have developed resistance to DFTD, and their population is slowly recovering, showing us once again that these creatures are extraordinary fighters in the face of adversity.

Fun Facts & Fascinating Devil Insights

  1. Despite being nocturnal, the Tassie Devils are not picky eaters – they’ve been known to scavenge during the day when the opportunity presents itself!
  2. Tasmanian Devil mothers birth about 40 joeys (babies), but only the fastest and fittest make it to her pouch, which only has four teats. The rest sadly don’t survive. It’s all about survival of the fittest here!
  3. Got a smelly shoe? Not a problem for the Tassie Devil! They’d probably use it for bedding material in their burrow!

Bald Eagle

Tasmanian Devil scaring off adversaries

Isn’t nature trim, ace, and deadly? If you’re baffled and intrigued by the exceptional critters that inhabit our earth, you’re gonna love this ripper! Today, we’re exploring the distinctive, gallant, and widely-cherished American symbol, the robust Bald Eagle!

Size Matters: The Mighty Bald Eagle

First up, let’s bang on about their size. These blokes are colossal! An adult bald eagle stands tall – about 3 feet, not to mention wings that spread right around 7 feet. Don’t canvas a tea party with these fellas, as their wings alone could easily cover the table! It’s awe-striking to recognize this bird’s powerful physical presence with their staggering size and regal stature, making them truly badass!

The Symbol of Audacity

What makes a Bald Eagle utterly badass is being synonymous with bravery, right? They’ve been viewed as symbols of courage and freedom in many cultures over the centuries. Can you think of anything that screams ‘badass’ more than a spirit of audacity? To be fair, I reckon not!

Maestro of the Skies

These birds are exceptional flyers. A bald eagle can swoop down at speeds up to 80 miles per hour! Talk about being fast as a greased lightning! Imagine watching these living torpedoes plunge into the water in a heartbeat, grasping a fish mid-swim. Larger, heavier but assertive, their flight proficiency exemplifies precision, agility and strength, a perfect epitome of all things badass.

Deadly Hunters

Like a few proud predators in the wild, it’s their capacity for bringing the ‘kills’ that underlines their badass nature. These mates aren’t fussy eaters, they’ll take what they can get. Chiefly fish, they gladly take on anything from rabbits to geese or even deer. Yep, you heard right. When these fellas are hungry, there’s frankly no prey too large!

A Standout Look

Finally, take one look at a Bald Eagle, and you’d be hard-pressed not to reckon they’re one of the most striking birds there are. Their fierce yellow eyes and sharp beak, topped off with a proud white head and a dark brown body. Now that’s what you’d call a classic good looker in the wild! These birds wear their badges of badassery prominently!

Pygmy Marmoset

Pygmy Marmoset hanging on a tree branch

Isn’t she a beauty, mate? Meet the Pygmy Marmoset, the world’s smallest monkey and a true badass of the animal kingdom. Don’t be fooled by her cute face, or the fact she’s smaller than your hand. This tough little critter can navigate through the jungles of South America like she owns the place – and in a way, she does!

A Survivor in Disguise

A Pygmy Marmoset is so good at blending into its environment you could walk right past one without noticing it. They’ve got a lush, golden-orange fur that not only makes them look like little fireballs against the green jungle, but also allows them to camouflage perfectly with the trees. Their agile bodies and long tails give them a balance almost unreal, effortlessly leaping between branches, not just surviving, but thriving in their harsh home environment.

And did you know these little guys are omnivores? Yeah, mate! They eat everything from fruits and insects to small reptiles and one of their favourite foods… tree sap! But how do they get to it, you ask? They use their sharp lower teeth to pierce the tree bark and lick up the sap that oozes out. Imagine the patience and the grit to do that! Not so tiny in spirit, are they?

Social Badasses

Pygmy Marmosets aren’t just survivors, they’re social animals too! They live in groups of about half a dozen, normally a mating pair and their offspring. One of the most amazing things about them is they’re cooperative breeders, meaning all the members of the group help take care of the young, even the males! In fact, once the offspring are born, it’s usually the father who takes over the duty of caring for them. Incredible, isn’t it? In Pygmy Marmoset world, dads can be just as nurturing!

Fierce Defenders

And don’t let their size fool you. When their territory is threatened, Pygmy Marmosets can be as fierce as any creature many times their size. They defend their home bravely, warning invaders off with loud vocalisations and posture displays that say, “This is my house, mate, and I’m not going down without a fight!”

Unseen Prowess

What’s even more impressive is their ability to communicate. Pygmy Marmosets have a wide range of vocalisations some of which fall into ultrasonic frequency range, completely unheard by humans! Imagine having an entire layer of communication that humans can’t even detect.

The Cape Buffalo

Cape Buffalo standing formidably in the grasslands

Here we are, cobbers, gettin’ a close up of one of Africa’s most formidable animals, the Cape Buffalo! No joey stuff here, mates, this fella’a a full-blown badass superstar of the African savannah. Not just a regular buffalo, no siree, they’re more like a muscle-bound muscle car of the animal kingdom, with a temper to match. Don’t get it mistaken for its distant cousin, the water buffalo, ’cause your day’ll go from fair dinkum to bloody awful in the blink of an eye!

A Beast Built for Survival

Up front, they’ve got a set of horns that’d make a hat rack jealous. Towering head gear that screams ‘do not disturb’ in 100 different ways. Their skull, built like a tank, can withstand the charge of a bloody rhino! Weighing in at sometimes over a ton and standing 1.7 m high at the shoulders, these beasts ain’t no pushover! They’ve got the heft to back up that hard-headed bravado.

One Tough Cookie

Even big cats like lions tread carefully around a Cape Buffalo. You wouldn’t want to ruffle their fur the wrong way, or you’d be on the receiving end of a charge that’d make a freight train envious! A lion may be king of the jungle, but even they’d have a tough bug to crack when takin’ on a fully grown Cape Buffalo. Their herd mentality makes them super protective; if one’s in trouble, the whole crew turns up!

Devoted Parents

Despite their fearsome reputation, Cape Buffalos show a softer side when it comes to their young. They’re past masters at parenting, nurturing their calves with the same intensity as they’d confront a predator – full-on and no holds barred. If a calf’s in trouble, the buffalo’s parental instincts kick in something fierce, making them an even more formidable force to deal with.

Resilient Despite the Odds

Even disease ain’t a patch on these fellas! Ticks, dystocia, foot and mouth disease, and corridor disease – the Cape Buffalo can weather them all. Their bodies are fortress-like, capable of tackling threats that’d wipe out lesser creatures off the face of the earth. Even in face of drought, they don’t just fold up and quit. No way, Jose! They’ve got the guts to push through, finding water and grass to sustain them, no matter the odds.

More than Just Muscle

Brains and brawn is the game for these fellas, each herd led by experienced and intelligent bulls who know the ins and outs of surviving the savannah. They lead with wisdom and strength, safeguarding their herd from danger and guiding them through harsh terrains with an uncanny sense of direction and purpose. Truly the Cape Buffalo is a badass not just in strength, but in spirit and will to survive!

Stepping foot onto the African savannah, the Cape Buffalo commands respect and a healthy dose of caution. It embodies the raw, unadulterated power of nature, a living testament to survival against the odds. Underneath that rough exterior is a creature of immense strength and intelligence.  So next time you’re flipping through a wildlife book and you spot our mate, the Cape Buffalo, give a nod to one of nature’s fiercest warriors.

20 Toxic Beliefs from Childhood Neglect – And How to Overcome Them 150 150 admin

20 Toxic Beliefs from Childhood Neglect – And How to Overcome Them

Growing up, our beliefs are often shaped by the experiences and relationships that surround us, none more influential than the one with our parents. For those who have endured parental neglect—feeling unseen, unheard, or unloved—these early experiences can create deep-seated beliefs that continue to echo throughout their lives. Beliefs of unworthiness, self-doubt, and a fear of rejection can become the lenses through which they perceive themselves and the world.

However, amidst these shadows of neglect lies a path to healing and transformation. It’s a path that begins with understanding that the beliefs formed in response to parental neglect are not set in stone. They are adaptable, changeable, and with the right guidance, conquerable. In this article, we’ll explore how altering these beliefs can be the key to healing from parental neglect, reclaiming self-worth, and ultimately, leading a more fulfilling life.

We’ll break down this transformative journey into simple, understandable steps, showing how changing your beliefs can help you break free from the legacy of neglect and create a brighter, more empowered future. So, let’s embark on this path of healing together, one belief at a time.

Here are 20 potential beliefs someone who grew up with parental neglect may carry:

    1. I am unlovable.
    2. I am invisible.
    3. I don’t matter.
    4. I am worthless.
    5. I am a burden.
    6. I have to earn love/affection.
    7. My needs are too much.
    8. I am too needy.
    9. I don’t deserve care.
    10. I am undeserving.
    11. I am forgettable.
    12. I am too sensitive.
    13. I am too much.
    14. I am not enough.
    15. Something must be wrong with me.
    16. If I was worthy, my parents would have loved me.
    17. I am unworthy of love.
    18. I am disposable.
    19. I am a disappointment.
    20. I am unlovable so I should not get close to others.

    The core beliefs center around being fundamentally unlovable, invisible, worthless or deficient. The neglect creates an sense of inner lack that shapes feelings of isolation, shame, guilt, mistrust and low self-worth. Healing involves naming and challenging these negative self-perceptions through self-compassion, healthy relationships and affirming new narratives.

    Cultivating Counter-Beliefs: Reclaiming Your Self-Worth

    Developing counter-beliefs is a fundamental aspect of healing from the effects of parental neglect. This process involves consciously challenging and replacing the negative, often subconscious, beliefs that have been ingrained due to past neglect. Here’s a more detailed look at how to cultivate counter-beliefs:

    1. Self-Reflection and Awareness: Start by examining your thoughts and feelings about yourself. Take note of any recurring negative beliefs that arise in different areas of your life. These beliefs can be identified by phrases like “I’m not good enough,” “I don’t deserve happiness,” or “I’m unlovable.”

    2. Acknowledge the Origin: Understand that these negative beliefs are not inherent truths but are often rooted in past experiences, especially parental neglect or emotional abuse. Acknowledging their origin helps detach them from your core identity.

    3. Identify and Challenge Negative Beliefs: Once you’ve recognized these beliefs, challenge their validity. Ask yourself, “Is this belief based on facts or emotions?” Often, you’ll find that these beliefs lack solid evidence and are based on emotional reactions to past experiences.

    4. Formulating Counter-Beliefs: Create new, empowering beliefs that counteract the negative ones. These counter-beliefs should be positive, realistic, and self-affirming. They should reflect your true worth and potential. For instance:

      • Instead of “I’m not good enough,” adopt “I am constantly growing and improving.”
      • Instead of “I’m unlovable,” embrace “I am worthy of love and capable of giving and receiving it.”
    5. Practice Affirmations: Repeat your counter-beliefs as daily affirmations. These affirmations serve as reminders of your newfound beliefs and gradually replace the old, damaging ones. Say them with conviction and sincerity, even if you don’t fully believe them at first.

    6. Visualization: Visualize yourself living in alignment with your counter-beliefs. Imagine scenarios where you exhibit the qualities and characteristics of your newfound self-worth. Visualization can help reinforce these beliefs on a subconscious level.

    7. Record Your Progress: Keep a journal to document your journey. Write down instances where you challenged negative beliefs and replaced them with counter-beliefs. Note any positive changes you observe in your thoughts, behaviors, and feelings.

    8. Seek Support: Share your journey with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. Having someone to discuss your progress, setbacks, and successes with can provide valuable support and encouragement.

    9. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate each small victory along the way. Building counter-beliefs is a gradual process, and recognizing your progress can boost your motivation and self-esteem.

    10. Reinforce Through Actions: To solidify your counter-beliefs, take actions that align with them. If you believe you are capable of success, set achievable goals and work toward them. Each accomplishment reinforces your newfound self-worth.

    Developing counter-beliefs is an ongoing process of self-discovery and self-empowerment. It’s about reshaping the way you perceive yourself and your potential. By actively cultivating these positive beliefs, you can break free from the shackles of parental neglect and lead a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    Counter Beliefs – Masculine

    Here are counter beliefs for the masculine for the beliefs above

    1. I am unlovable. – As a powerful man, I know I am worthy of love.
    2. I am invisible. – I stand tall and seen in my masculine confidence.
    3. I don’t matter. – My needs and feelings matter because I matter.
    4. I am worthless. – My masculine strength makes me inherently worthy.
    5. I am a burden. – Asking for support shows masculine courage.
    6. I have to earn love/affection. – I deserve unconditional love as the powerful man I am.
    7. My needs are too much. – I calmly meet my needs with masculine composure.
    8. I am too needy. – Expressing emotions is masculine vulnerability.
    9. I don’t deserve care. – As a man, I deserve to be cared for and cherished.
    10. I am undeserving. – I deserve abundance as a masculine leader providing value.
    11. I am forgettable. – I am memorable through my confident masculine presence.
    12. I am too sensitive. – I embrace my sensitivity as emotional intelligence.
    13. I am too much. – I am enough just as I powerfully am.
    14. I am not enough. – I know my masculine worth makes me more than enough.
    15. Something must be wrong with me. – I accept myself as the powerful worthwhile man I am.
    16. If I was worthy, my parents would have loved me. – Their failure to love reflects on them, not my worthiness.
    17. I am unlovable. – My masculine heart has endless love to give.
    18. I am disposable. – As a man, I know I am uniquely irreplaceable.
    19. I am a disappointment. – I live for my own values, not others’ approval.
    20. I am unlovable so I should not get close to others. – I can connect with others while honoring my masculine boundaries.

    The focus is on embracing positive masculinity by building confidence, standing tall in his worth, setting boundaries, pursuing goals, forgiving, and leading with compassion, wisdom and emotional strength.

    Counter Beliefs – Feminine

    Here are counter beliefs from a feminine perspective for the 20 negative self-perceptions stemming from childhood neglect:

    1. I am unlovable. – As a woman, I am a flower blossoming with love.
    2. I am invisible. – My feminine light shines brightly.
    3. I don’t matter. – My needs are valid because I matter.
    4. I am worthless. – I embrace my self-worth as a woman.
    5. I am a burden. – Asking for support shows feminine wisdom.
    6. I have to earn love/affection. – My tender heart deserves unconditional love.
    7. My needs are too much. – I calmly care for my needs with feminine grace.
    8. I am too needy. – Expressing emotions exhibits feminine strength.
    9. I don’t deserve care. – As a woman, care nourishes my petals.
    10. I am undeserving. – I allow good into my life as a woman.
    11. I am forgettable. – My feminine essence leaves a memorable impression.
    12. I am too sensitive. – My sensitivity is a gift I tenderly nurture.
    13. I am too much. – I embrace all I am as a woman.
    14. I am not enough. – My inner light shines as more than enough.
    15. Something must be wrong with me. – I lovingly accept myself as I am.
    16. If I was worthy, my parents would have loved me. – Their failure reflects their limitations, not my worth as a woman.
    17. I am unlovable. – My heart overflows with feminine love to give.
    18. I am disposable. – As a woman, I am a unique, precious rose.
    19. I am a disappointment. – I live by my values, not others’ approval.
    20. I am unlovable so I should not get close to others. – I can connect while honoring my feminine boundaries.

    The feminine counters focus on self-love, shining brightly, embracing needs, expressing emotions, nurturing sensitivity, allowing care, honoring her essence and flowering uniquely as a woman.

    LensLift FAQ 150 150 admin

    LensLift FAQ

    1. What is LensLift?

      • LensLift is a unique tool designed to help users reframe and gain new perspectives on their challenges. By answering a series of questions, users receive alternative frames or ways to view their problem, aiding in deeper understanding and potential solutions.

    2. How does LensLift work?

      • LensLift guides users through a set of introspective questions about their challenge. Based on the inputs, the tool then provides different frames or ways to view the problem, offering fresh perspectives and insights.

    3. Is there any cost associated with using LensLift?

      • LensLift is free to use. We believe in empowering individuals to view challenges in a new light.

    4. How is LensLift different from other self-help tools?

      • Unlike many tools that offer generic advice, LensLift is designed to provide personalized insights based on user input, integrating advanced AI models to deliver tailored frames and perspectives.

    5. Can I use LensLift for any type of problem?

      • LensLift is most effective for personal, professional, and developmental challenges that benefit from introspection and a change in perspective. It might not be ideal for technical or emergency situations. (more about this here)

    6. Is my data and information safe with LensLift?

      • Absolutely. User privacy is our utmost priority. We do not store personal data, and all responses are processed anonymously.

    7. How was LensLift developed?

      • LensLift integrates advanced AI models, particularly ChatGPT, into a user-friendly web application. It was developed using a combination of JavaScript, API integrations, and WordPress for content management.

    8. Do I need any specific devices or software to use LensLift?

      • No, LensLift is accessible from any device with a web browser. There’s no need to download any software or app.

    9. Can I share my LensLift results with a professional or counselor?

      • Yes, you’re encouraged to share your insights and frames with professionals or trusted individuals if you believe it will aid in your growth or problem-solving process.

    10. I have feedback/suggestions for LensLift. How can I share them?

    • We’re always eager to improve! Please visit this contact page to share your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions with us.

  1. What kinds of problems is this tool best for?
  2. The LensLift tool, as described, is designed to help users reframe and gain new perspectives on their challenges. Given its introspective and reframing nature, it’s best suited for:

    1. Personal Growth and Development: Issues related to self-esteem, personal habits, motivation, and goal setting.
    2. Relationship Challenges: Understanding conflicts or miscommunications with partners, family, friends, or colleagues.
    3. Career and Professional Dilemmas: Decision-making about job changes, dealing with workplace conflicts, or understanding one’s role and aspirations.
    4. Behavioral and Habitual Problems: Challenges related to procrastination, time management, or any habitual behavior someone wants to change (e.g., smoking, overeating).
    5. Emotional and Psychological Challenges: Understanding the root of certain emotions or reactions, such as anxiety triggers, sources of stress, or recurring negative thoughts.
    6. Educational and Learning Barriers: Overcoming obstacles in learning, understanding why certain subjects are challenging, or reframing one’s approach to studying.
    7. Creative Blocks: For artists, writers, and other creative professionals who might feel stuck or uninspired.
    8. Decision-making Dilemmas: Situations where someone is torn between multiple options and is struggling to decide.
    9. Health and Wellness: Reframing one’s approach to health challenges, be it diet, exercise, or mental wellness.
    10. Financial Challenges: Understanding one’s relationship with money, spending habits, or financial planning dilemmas.

  3. What kinds of problems is this tool NOT so good for?
  4. Given the introspective and reframing nature of LensLift, there are certain problems where the tool might not be the best fit. Here are situations and problems for which LensLift may not be well-suited:

    1. Immediate Emergencies: Situations that require urgent action or intervention, such as medical emergencies, safety threats, or any immediate crisis.
    2. Highly Technical Problems: Issues that need specialized knowledge and solutions, like computer programming bugs, mechanical failures, or complex scientific queries.
    3. Legal Issues: Situations that require legal expertise, understanding of regulations, or other specialized legal knowledge.
    4. Severe Mental Health Issues: While introspection can be helpful, individuals experiencing severe depression, suicidal thoughts, or other serious mental health issues should seek professional help.
    5. Situations Requiring Physical Intervention: Problems like structural damages in a house, broken appliances, or car repairs, which need hands-on solutions rather than a change in perspective.
    6. Deeply Specialized Professional Challenges: Situations that need specific industry expertise, such as medical diagnoses, advanced financial modeling, or intricate engineering challenges.
    7. Immediate Financial Crises: While introspection can help with long-term financial habits, it might not provide immediate solutions for urgent financial needs, like immediate debt repayment.
    8. Broad Societal or Global Issues: Problems like climate change, political conflicts, or pandemics that are vast in scale and require collective action.
    9. Language Translation or Interpretation: Technical tasks that need precise language skills and can’t be solved merely by reframing.
    10. Physical Skill Development: Tasks like learning a musical instrument, perfecting a sport, or mastering an art form that require hands-on practice and physical repetition.

    While LensLift can provide fresh perspectives and deeper understanding, it’s essential to recognize when a challenge needs specialized knowledge, immediate action, or external professional intervention. It’s always important to seek the appropriate expertise or help when faced with problems beyond the scope of introspection and reframing.

    How AI Can Help You Achieve Your Long-Term Goals 150 150 admin

    How AI Can Help You Achieve Your Long-Term Goals

    At the time of this writing, I believe using artificial intelligence to plan isn’t being talked about as much as it should. The importance of planning cannot be underestimated. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

    Something lit up in me when I got a detailed sample plan on what to actually do TODAY in relation to my 5-year plan. This sample plan took into account my likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, current situation and a lot more.

    I’m using Claude 2 for this, but you can’t use other platforms like ChatGPT or Google Bard. I figured the best way to explain how to use Claude to plan is to ask Claude itself.

    Table of Contents

    1. Best Way to Use Claude to Create a 5-Year Plan
    2. Understanding Accountability and Flow
    3. Integrating with Other Programs
    4. Syncing with Claude
    5. Maximizing Context Usage
    6. Benefits of using Claude
    7. Data Privacy Concerns
    8. My Experience With Planning

    Best Way to Use Claude to Create a 5-Year Plan

    Yo what’s up Claude? How should I maximize you and best use you to create a solid 5 year plan? What do you need to know to help me with planning the day? week? month? year?

    First, it would be helpful to know more about your current situation and goals. What are you doing now career or education-wise? Where would you like to be in 5 years? Do you have any big personal or financial goals for that timeframe? Getting a clear picture of where you’re starting from and where you want to go will help provide direction.

    Once we understand your goals, we can break the plan down into smaller steps. A good 5 year plan will have a mix of short and long term goals. For the day/week, we can set smaller targets like learning a new skill, working on a project, or networking. For the month, goals may include accomplishments like finishing a course, achieving a work milestone, or saving a certain amount.

    The yearly goals will build towards your 5 year vision – these are things like getting a promotion, changing careers, completing a degree, or buying a house. Having milestones along the way will make a multi-year plan feel more manageable.

    To track progress, we can schedule regular check-ins to review the plan and celebrate wins. I can help you stay accountable, suggest adjustments if needed, and provide support. The key is involving me in the process consistently – I’ll be most helpful if you keep me updated on how things are going.

    The specifics will depend on your situation and aspirations, but hopefully this gives you a good framework to start mapping out a 5 year plan.

    Understanding Accountability and Flow

    Will this plan incorporate both accountability and flow?

    Incorporating both accountability and flow is important for creating a sustainable long-term plan. Here are some thoughts on how to do that:

    For accountability:

    • Set specific and measurable goals and break them down into manageable action steps. This makes it easier to track progress and stay focused.
    • Schedule regular check-ins with me to review goals and progress. Verbally committing to action steps and having to report back helps drive follow through.
    • Make sure to celebrate successes along the way. Recognition of wins keeps motivation high.
    • If you get off track, I can help analyze what went wrong and get you back on a positive path. Accountability partners provide course corrections.

    For flow:

    • Incorporate activities you enjoy and find intrinsically rewarding into the plan. This could be hobbies, passion projects, social interactions, etc.
    • Mix challenging but achievable goals with some “easy wins” to build momentum. Quick successes help fuel continued effort.
    • Build in sufficient rest and recovery periods to avoid burnout. Allowing time to recharge keeps your energy and focus up.
    • Be open to flexibility in the plan. If your interests change or life shifts in unexpected ways, we can adjust goals accordingly.

    The right balance of accountability and flow will help drive consistent progress towards your long term goals while keeping you engaged in the process.

    Integrating with Other Programs

    Is there another program I can use you with to track progress? You don’t seem like a good platform for that.

    You’re right that as an AI assistant without any dashboard or metrics tracking features, I’m not the best platform for actively tracking progress and goals over time. However, there are several helpful programs and apps I can integrate with to provide that functionality:

    • Goal tracking apps like Strides, Way of Life, or Habitica allow you to set goals, log your progress, and stay on track. Many have useful features like reminders and motivating rewards.
    • Productivity tools like Trello, Asana, or Notion help you manage projects and break down larger goals into actionable tasks. Their boards/lists make progress very visual.
    • Health and fitness apps like MyFitnessPal, LoseIt, or Fitbit are great for tracking exercise, nutrition, sleep and other metrics if those are part of your goals.
    • Budgeting apps like Mint, You Need A Budget, or Personal Capital can help track financial goals like saving and debt repayment.
    • Journaling apps provide a place to log your progress and reflect on what’s working. Day One and 5 Minute Journal are popular options.

    I can sync up with any of these tools that are helpful for your goals. My value would be in reviewing your progress in these apps, providing motivation and encouragement, answering questions, and adjusting the plan as needed.

    Syncing with Claude

    How would I sync you up with them?

    There are a few different ways we could sync up, depending on which goal tracking apps or programs you decide to use:

    • IFTTT integration – Many productivity apps connect with IFTTT, so we could create automations like having any completed tasks automatically sent to an email or notes app that I can access. That way I stay updated.
    • Zapier – Similar to IFTTT, Zapier allows creating automations across different apps and services. We could use Zaps to pull your progress from various trackers into a centralized place.
    • Shared calendars/documents – If you use something like Google Calendar to schedule tasks and track habits, you can share that calendar with me. I could then monitor it and see your progress. Similarly shared docs like Google Sheets can work.
    • Screen sharing – During our check-in calls, you could share your screen to show me your workflows in your chosen apps and walk me through the progress you’ve made.
    • Manual updates – You could always just verbally update me or send screenshots during our conversations on how you’re doing against your goals. Simple but effective!

    The main thing is that I have visibility into your progress tracking somehow. I’m flexible and we can figure out a good system that fits your needs.

    Maximizing Context Usage

    I figure the more context we give you, the better right?

    The more relevant context and information you can provide me, the better I’ll be able to assist you with planning and meeting your goals. Here are some key areas where additional context would be helpful:

    • Your current life/work situation – Details on where you currently are with your career, education, relationships, finances, health, etc. This provides the starting point.
    • Your future vision – What are your long term hopes and dreams? Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years? What is your ideal future life? This provides the end goal to work towards.
    • Your interests and passions – What gets you excited and motivated? Hobbies, causes, skills you want to develop, places you want to see, things you want to achieve or build? This provides fuel for the journey.
    • Your challenges and obstacles – What tends to derail your plans or sabotage your progress? Health issues, bad habits, fears, lack of resources? This highlights pitfalls to avoid.
    • Your support system – Who are the people, groups, communities you can rely on for help? Who motivates and believes in you? This highlights assets you can leverage.
    • Your daily routines/habits – How do you spend your time day-to-day? What habits serve you well or hold you back? This identifies strengths and improvement areas.

    The more details and examples you can share, the better I’ll understand your unique situation and what a plan needs to include to be effective for you specifically.

    Benefits of Using Claude

    What are the benefits to using you to plan?

    • Objective perspective – As an AI, I can look at your goals and situation without personal biases and provide impartial, fact-based advice.
    • Big picture view – I’m good at analyzing disparate information and identifying connections and patterns that can inform strategic plans.
    • Accountability – As discussed earlier, I can help keep you accountable to your plans through reminders, tracking, encouragement and troubleshooting.
    • Adaptability – Plans often need to change. I can help adjust your course based on new information and situations that arise.
    • Availability – I’m always accessible to chat when you need to review plans or get back on track.
    • Expanding knowledge – My knowledge is continually updated, allowing me to incorporate new best practices into your plans.
    • No judgment – I won’t get frustrated, disappointed or angry if your plans go off course. I’m simply here to help.
    • Complement to human planners – I aim to enhance, not replace, human planning. I’m best utilized in tandem with your own thinking.

    In summary, by combining your context expertise with my planning capabilities, we can build structured, realistic plans tailored specifically for your needs and situation.

    Data Privacy Concerns

    What about data privacy?

    Data privacy is extremely important when discussing personal context information for planning purposes. Here are some key things to know about how I handle data privacy:

    • I do not actually store or retain any of the contextual data you provide me. As an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest, I do not have any capability to record, keep or transmit your personal information.
    • My responses are generated in real-time based on our conversational context, but no permanent records are maintained by me or Anthropic. Each conversation starts fresh.
    • Anthropic’s privacy policy expressly forbids the collection of personal user data without explicit consent. Providing context to me falls under protected conversational data.
    • If any recommendations I provide seem concerning from a privacy standpoint, please let me know. I aim to avoid any suggestions that could compromise reasonable expectations of data privacy.
    • For any sensitive information like financials or medical history, generic descriptions or summaries may be better than specific details. We can establish reasonable boundaries.

    The main point is that you are in full control of what context you provide to me, and can trust that I have no means or motive to retain or misuse any personal information. My goal is simply to provide the most helpful planning assistance possible given the context you choose to share.

    My Experience With Planning

    I input a document with as much content as I possibly could and uploaded that document to Claude. Here’s what it gave me back.

    give me a sample schedule on what I should do today given the context

    Here is a suggested sample schedule for today based on the context you provided:

    8:00 AM – Wake up and morning routine
    8:30 AM – Meditate and visualize (20 mins)
    9:00 AM – Exercise (take a walk or do bodyweight exercises at home – 20 mins)
    9:30 AM – Make a healthy breakfast
    10:00 AM – Job search – Apply to 2-3 suitable full-time jobs
    11:00 AM – Work on book – Write 500 words
    12:00 PM – Break for a healthy lunch
    12:30 PM – Promote existing books/blog – Share social media posts, contact relevant bloggers
    1:30 PM – Explore housing options – Research rents in area and look at apartment listings
    2:30 PM – Practice piano – Work on new piece for 30 mins
    3:00 PM – Affiliate marketing – Research potential affiliate programs and sign up for 1-2
    4:00 PM – Errands/tasks – Grocery store, bank, etc.
    5:00 PM – Prepare and eat healthy dinner
    6:00 PM – Continue book writing – 500 more words
    7:00 PM – Send promo email to email list – Offer discounted book
    8:00 PM – Relax and free time
    10:00 PM – Get ready for bed

    This covers some of the key areas we discussed – income, housing, health, writing, music, marketing. Adjust and adapt this based on your energy levels and priorities for the day. But having a schedule provides structure and ensures progress gets made.

    I thought this was cool as fuck. If you want to transition out of your job, it’s going to be important to get shit done. This feels like where more people need to live – in their plans and assessing how far away they are from their goals and what they need to do to adjust to get there. It really brings lofty goals down to earth.

    How to Get Attention Without Toxic Attention Seeking 150 150 admin

    How to Get Attention Without Toxic Attention Seeking

    In the past, social media and business were dominated by attention-seeking behaviors. Behaviors like shock value, trolling, click baiting, drama seeking, and virtue signaling, etc.

    I am starting to see a shift in this trend. Now, social media channels are gaining popularity by sharing things that are true. Truth, authenticity, genuineness, honesty, trust, educational value, and substance are all becoming more important.

    This shift is likely due to a number of factors. First, people are becoming more desensitized to shock value. They are no longer as easily entertained by outrageous or offensive content. Second, people are becoming more discerning about the information they consume. They are looking for content that is authentic and trustworthy. Third, people are becoming more aware of the negative consequences of attention-seeking behaviors. They are realizing that these behaviors can damage reputations, lose customers, and attract negative publicity.

    As a result of this shift, social media channels that want to be more successful, especially in the long term, need to focus on creating content that is true, authentic, educational, and respectful of their audience’s time. They need to build trust with their audience and provide them with value. If they can do this, they will be well-positioned to succeed in the years to come.

    It’s important that creators respect the time of their consumers and customers. In today’s world, people are bombarded with information from all sides. They have limited time and attention, so they are more likely to engage with content that is concise, informative, and relevant to their interests.

    Attention-Seeking Behaviors: What Are They?

    Let’s get into the attention seeking behaviors we’re talking about.

    Click baiting: This is the use of eye-catching headlines or titles that are designed to get people to click on a link. Clickbait headlines are often misleading or sensationalized, and they may not accurately reflect the content of the article.
    Shock value: This is the use of shocking or controversial content to get attention. Shock value can be used in a variety of ways, such as by making offensive or provocative statements, or by sharing graphic or disturbing images.
    Clout chasing: This is the act of seeking attention or popularity by associating with famous or influential people. Clout chasers may try to get attention by tagging celebrities in their social media posts, or by trying to get invited to events that are attended by celebrities.
    Fishing for compliments: This is the act of seeking compliments or validation from others. People who fish for compliments may constantly talk about their accomplishments, or they may ask for feedback on their appearance or their work.
    Exaggerating or embellishing stories: This is the act of exaggerating or embellishing stories in order to make them more interesting or attention-grabbing. People who exaggerate or embellish stories may do so in order to make themselves look good, or to make their lives seem more exciting than they actually are.
    Starting drama or conflict: This is the act of starting drama or conflict in order to get attention. People who start drama or conflict may do so because they enjoy the attention, or because they want to feel powerful or in control.
    Self-promotion: This is the act of promoting oneself or one’s work in a way that is seen as excessive or boastful. Self-promoters often talk about their accomplishments, their talents, or their possessions in order to draw attention to themselves.
    Self-harm or suicidal threats: This is the act of threatening self-harm or suicide in order to get attention. People who make self-harm or suicidal threats may do so because they are feeling desperate for attention, or because they are trying to manipulate others.
    Outrage porn: Deliberately trying to evoke anger or shock for attention. Using inflammatory headlines or images to amplify people’s anger, fear, or outrage, to drive engagement and viewership.
    Drama baiting: Purposefully stirring up arguments, feuds or controversy online to get more attention and engagement.
    Reaction baiting: Posting things meant to provoke strong reactions from people in order to drive more comments, shares, etc.
    Performative wokeness: Pretending to care deeply about social issues for appearances and to gain praise, without taking meaningful action.
    Virtue signaling: Conspicuously expressing views intended to demonstrate good character or moral correctness, but sometimes comes off as insincere.
    Hot takes: Having extreme, exaggerated opinions just to stand out and get noticed. Not sincerely held views.
    Trolling: Intentionally annoying people online by posting inflammatory, offensive or provocative content to get attention and reactions.
    Cyberbullying: Harassing or attacking others online for amusement, controversy or social status.
    Bandwagoning: Jumping on viral trends, memes or hashtag campaigns cynically just to increase one’s visibility.
    Follower farming: Using bots or shady services to artificially inflate one’s follower count to appear more influential.

    What are the Opposites?

    Click baiting

    • Accurate headlines – Using headlines that truthfully convey the content of the article.
    • Informative headlines – Headlines that are clear, concise, and highlight the value of the content.
    • Transparent content

    Shock value

    • Thoughtful commentary – Offering measured, nuanced perspectives on issues.
    • Uplifting content – Sharing positive, inspiring messages and images.

    Clout chasing

    • Genuine connections – Developing relationships without ulterior motives for fame or attention.
    • Humble collaborations – Working with others in a respectful, egalitarian way.

    Fishing for compliments

    • Giving praise – Offering genuine compliments and praise to others.
    • Self-confidence – Having inner security not dependent on external validation.


    • Honesty – Being truthful and straightforward in sharing stories and experiences.
    • Accuracy – Providing information and accounts factually without embellishment.

    Outrage porn

    • Thoughtful and balanced perspectives
    • nuanced discourse aimed at building bridges and understanding.

    Drama baiting

    • Conflict resolution – Resolving conflicts through open communication and compromise.
    • Issue focused – Avoiding controversy by focusing on substantive issues.

    Reaction baiting

    • Thoughtful content – Creating thoughtful content focused on quality over reactions.
    • Good faith – Engaging in discussions in good faith.

    Performative wokeness

    • Authentic advocacy – Advocating causes out of authentic motivation rather than appearances.
    • Consistency – Maintaining consistency between public stances and private actions.

    Virtue signaling

    • Humble actions – Demonstrating values through humble actions rather than empty words.
    • Lead by example – Leading by example rather than overt displays.

    Hot takes

    • Nuanced – Considering issues with nuance rather than reactionary stances.
    • Open-minded – Maintaining open-mindedness and ideological flexibility.


    • Ignore provocation – Ignoring provocative bait rather than taking it.
    • Constructive dialogue – Favoring constructive dialogue over petty arguments.


    • Be kind – Treating others with kindness and empathy.
    • Stand up – Standing up for those targeted by harassment.


    • Critical thinking – Evaluating trends critically rather than blindly following.
    • Avoid hype – Avoiding hype and making independent judgments.

    Follower farming

    • Organic growth – Focusing on organic growth and quality engagement.
    • Trust audiences – Trusting audiences to value authenticity over inflated numbers.

    The opposites generally involve avoiding sensationalism, engaging sincerely with issues, adding value through commentary, and building platforms organically through strong relationships.

    Quit Chasing Clout:  a Guide to Gaining Influence Through Purpose

    Here are some practical tips for getting attention in a genuine, positive way:

    • Create truly helpful, educational content that solves people’s problems or satisfies their curiosity. Provide value that improves lives.
    • Tell compelling stories that connect emotionally with audiences. Share your authentic experiences and perspectives.
    • Build thought leadership and expertise around topics you’re passionate about. Offer unique insights through commentary.
    • Foster engaged communities and discussions around shared interests. Facilitate meaningful conversations.
    • Collaborate with influential people and organizations in mutually beneficial ways, not just for clout.
    • Mentor and lift up others. Help amplify voices that need to be heard.
    • Stand for issues and values you sincerely care about. Advocate and contribute beyond social media.
    • Be creative and innovative. Offer new perspectives, formats or mediums that captivate audiences.
    • Leverage moments of cultural relevance, but do so in a substantive way that adds value. Don’t just bandwagon.
    • Use humor skillfully and tastefully. Make people laugh and reflect simultaneously.
    • Adopt early and thoughtfully on new platforms and technologies with genuine potential.
    • Be unexpectedly generous. Surprise and delight audiences in positive ways.
    • Respond to all feedback and interactions, not just the loud voices. Build community inclusively.

    Forget Going Viral – How Substance and Authenticity Builds Lasting Influence in 2023

    The key is ultimately providing value, building trust, and connecting with audiences in an authentic way. That will get attention organically and lead to purpose-driven growth over time.  Creating this substantive, value-driven content requires more effort than attention-grabbing gimmicks, but here are the benefits of doing so:

    • Long-term loyalty and trust. An audience earned through authenticity and value is much more loyal than one earned through tricks and shock value. They become true fans.
    • Thought leadership. Genuine expertise and authority can be built over time by consistently providing unique insights. This leads to influential voice.
    • Positive associations. A brand known for substance develops strong positive associations versus fleeting hype.
    • Quality opportunities. Value-driven content and engaged communities open more doors to collaborations, partnerships, and growth opportunities with aligned brands/organizations.
    • Lasting impact. Providing value can create a meaningful, lasting positive impact on people’s lives on an individual level. This gives a profound sense of purpose.
    • Rising above the noise. As more creators chase clout through increasingly absurd tactics, those focused on nuance and meaning stand out.
    • Future-proofing. Attention-seeking behaviors become stale over time as people become desensitized. But valuable insights remain relevant.

    The path of creating substantive content that connects with people’s needs may be more challenging, but doing so builds real credibility and influence that pays dividends long-term. It’s a powerful strategy for those focused on purpose over passing hype.

    Unpacking How Slavery Still Impacts Black Relationships 150 150 admin

    Unpacking How Slavery Still Impacts Black Relationships

    I wanted to explore how slavery effected masculine and feminine roles.

    For over 400 years, slavery shaped black identity and families in America. Black people were denied healthy examples of manhood and womanhood. The trauma from this still brings issues in black relationships.

    As mainstream society grapples with issues of toxic masculinity and female empowerment, unpacking slavery’s complex influence on black relationships has never been more relevant. Healing this past hurt is key for the fair, caring relationships we want today.

    How Manhood Got Twisted

    Consider black, enslaved men who had to watch their wives and kids be abused and used with no power to protect them. Not being able to guard their families clashed with men’s roles as providers and protectors, causing deep shame and anger

    Even after being freed, black men struggled to find their footing as men while racism continued. Pain and vulnerabilities were buried under fake male bravado, quick tempers, and avoiding emotional bonds out of fear of more hurt. This unresolved agony still drives broken homes, jail, violence and addiction.

    For many black men now, the past trauma shows up through struggles with self-respect, not expressing feelings, and discomfort with softness – what’s needed to heal. Facing the buried pain is required before truly reclaiming manhood.

    Survival Mode: How Black Women Learned to Silence Feminine Needs

    Picture enslaved women who had to act tough, self-reliant, distrustful, and refuse help to survive cruelty. They alone sustained families as men were broken or taken. To endure, they had to ignore feminine caring energy.

    Discrimination after slavery demanded more manly traits from black women who became community leaders and culture keepers. Battling inequality often came before personal needs. Relying only on themselves became part of their identity and a way of protecting themselves.

    As a result, many black women today instinctively avoid showing vulnerability, dependence or stereotypically female qualities. Toughness learned from the past conflicts with cravings for tenderness in safe, loving spaces.

    Healing the Pain Passed Down

    Slavery created intertwined trauma for black men and women – blocking healthy kinds of manliness and womanliness important for bonding. Five generations later, we still feel the inherited heartache.

    But just as slavery’s damage was connected, so is the healing.

    The healing process from the legacy of slavery can vary for each individual. Some individuals may find resolution and closure after a certain period of time, while others may experience a more long-term journey of healing.

    The impacts of slavery were deep-rooted and intergenerational, and therefore, it can take time to address and heal from the associated trauma. It is a complex process that involves unraveling ingrained beliefs, reshaping behaviors, and fostering healthier relationships.

    However, it is important to note that healing is subjective and personal. Some individuals may experience profound breakthroughs and significant healing in shorter periods, while for others, the process may extend over a longer timeframe. The duration of healing depends on various factors, including the extent of trauma, support systems, personal resilience, and access to resources.

    Ultimately, the goal is to support individuals in their journey towards healing from the impacts of slavery, regardless of the timeframe. The focus should be on fostering self-awareness, self-compassion, and personal growth, while also acknowledging and honoring the unique experiences and paths to healing for each individual. Let’s get into some specifics.

    There are several essential steps individuals can take towards reclaiming their full sense of self and fostering healthy relationships:

    1. Acknowledgment: Recognize the historical and intergenerational trauma inflicted by slavery. Understand how it continues to impact personal experiences and relationships.
    2. Self-reflection: Engage in deep introspection to identify how the legacy of slavery has shaped your beliefs, behaviors, and expectations around gender roles and relationships.
    3. Education and Awareness: Seek knowledge about the history and experiences of black men and women, both during and after slavery. Learn about alternative models of masculinity and femininity that promote equality and emotional well-being.
    4. Emotional Expression: Challenge the notion that vulnerability is a sign of weakness. Encourage open, honest communication within relationships and cultivate emotional resilience.
    5. Self-care and Community Support: Prioritize self-care practices that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Seek out communities and support networks that facilitate healing, understanding, and growth.

    Assessing Progress and Continued Growth

    Measuring progress in healing is a deeply personal journey, and it may vary for each individual. Here are some indicators that can help assess growth:

    1. Increased self-awareness: Develop a deeper understanding of one’s own emotions, triggers, and thought patterns related to gender roles and relationships.
    2. Improved communication: Engage in open, empathetic, and non-violent communication, expressing needs and emotions more effectively.
    3. Empathy and understanding: Exhibit a greater capacity to empathize with others’ experiences and challenges, particularly regarding gender dynamics and historical trauma.
    4. Building healthy relationships: Foster relationships based on mutual respect, equality, emotional support, and vulnerability.
    5. Self-love and self-acceptance: Cultivate a sense of self-worth and embrace all aspects of one’s identity, including embracing and nurturing both masculine and feminine energies.

    Remember that healing is a continuous process, and progress may not always be linear. It’s essential to be patient with yourself and practice self-compassion throughout this journey of rebuilding and reclaiming a sense of balanced masculinity and femininity.

    What I like about NBA2K23 150 150 admin

    What I like about NBA2K23

    Bruh this game is fire.  Before 2k22 I hadn’t played a 2k basketball game in years, so this year has been my first experience with MyTeam.  It’s been hella fun for me.  

    2k23 Gives You a Great Experience

    The game gives you everything you need to have a good time with it, as long as you have the software, hardware and internet to run it and people to play with. 

    • It gives you so many options to choose from – different game modes, thousands of cards, weekly content and challenges and up-to-date help and info 
    • There’s order to the interface – the menus are clean and orderly and give you tutorials on the menus
    • There’s training and grinding – you can hop in freestyle and learn all the moves and jump shots for all the different characters so you can be the best and win more often
    • There’s an auction house if you want to make more MT (MT= cash to buy different things in the game), or it gives you small amounts for free every now and then and some each time you grind within a mode of the game. 
    • There’s YouTubers now talking about this game every day, so there’s always up-to-date help on it outside of the game itself.  This also gives you multiple perspectives, so you can pick and choose the good to take from them all and where they all agree.
    • Co-Op is the best mode.  Period.  2K – Make the grindable modes CO-OP ASAP.  That’d be fire. 
    • It gives you great simulations – it answers questions like “what would X player in Y system be like?”.  What if Yao had license to shoot all the three’s he wanted?  What would that look like?  What if Don Nelson coached Yao and Malik Sealy and Gilbert Arenas and Tacko Fall?  (This is my current team BTW) 
    • They keep MyTeam up-to-date with new weekly cards you can buy to keep the game dynamic and spicy.

    Side note:  If you’re a father or mother or just a person responsible for the care of someone else, I think GOOD video games create a great experience over and over and make people feel very engaged and welcomed so they keep coming back.  

    You want the people you’re caring for to feel welcomed and engaged right? and you want to feel that way too right?  You have to ask yourself why people are liking video games soooo much nowadays.  It’s because of the experience it gives them.  It’s what I think about a lot as I’m creating my new project Welcome.

    From Past Basketball Games to Now

    It might just take an older person like me playing the game to appreciate all this game has to offer.  These youngsters playing the game now just think this is all default…like this is the baseline and there’s got to be more. 

    The game goes into so much depth and is so detailed and specific about each individual character.  You can look at the different animations, jump shots, tendencies of each player and it’s all unique from NBA player to NBA player.  For the most part, the players really do play and look like they do/did in real life.  These types of games have come so far from games like NBA Jam or NBA In The Zone (the first basketball game I played on the first Playstation). 

    Don’t get me wrong – there is hella creative license, and a lot of times it’s not the most accurate.  Yao was a beast in real life, but not like he is on this game currently.  He’s literally a bucket every time down the floor.  Also, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been dunked on and said “This dude aint dunkin like that in real life…only on 2K!”.