time management

How AI Can Help You Achieve Your Long-Term Goals 150 150 admin

How AI Can Help You Achieve Your Long-Term Goals

At the time of this writing, I believe using artificial intelligence to plan isn’t being talked about as much as it should. The importance of planning cannot be underestimated. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Something lit up in me when I got a detailed sample plan on what to actually do TODAY in relation to my 5-year plan. This sample plan took into account my likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, current situation and a lot more.

I’m using Claude 2 for this, but you can’t use other platforms like ChatGPT or Google Bard. I figured the best way to explain how to use Claude to plan is to ask Claude itself.

Table of Contents

  1. Best Way to Use Claude to Create a 5-Year Plan
  2. Understanding Accountability and Flow
  3. Integrating with Other Programs
  4. Syncing with Claude
  5. Maximizing Context Usage
  6. Benefits of using Claude
  7. Data Privacy Concerns
  8. My Experience With Planning

Best Way to Use Claude to Create a 5-Year Plan

Yo what’s up Claude? How should I maximize you and best use you to create a solid 5 year plan? What do you need to know to help me with planning the day? week? month? year?

First, it would be helpful to know more about your current situation and goals. What are you doing now career or education-wise? Where would you like to be in 5 years? Do you have any big personal or financial goals for that timeframe? Getting a clear picture of where you’re starting from and where you want to go will help provide direction.

Once we understand your goals, we can break the plan down into smaller steps. A good 5 year plan will have a mix of short and long term goals. For the day/week, we can set smaller targets like learning a new skill, working on a project, or networking. For the month, goals may include accomplishments like finishing a course, achieving a work milestone, or saving a certain amount.

The yearly goals will build towards your 5 year vision – these are things like getting a promotion, changing careers, completing a degree, or buying a house. Having milestones along the way will make a multi-year plan feel more manageable.

To track progress, we can schedule regular check-ins to review the plan and celebrate wins. I can help you stay accountable, suggest adjustments if needed, and provide support. The key is involving me in the process consistently – I’ll be most helpful if you keep me updated on how things are going.

The specifics will depend on your situation and aspirations, but hopefully this gives you a good framework to start mapping out a 5 year plan.

Understanding Accountability and Flow

Will this plan incorporate both accountability and flow?

Incorporating both accountability and flow is important for creating a sustainable long-term plan. Here are some thoughts on how to do that:

For accountability:

  • Set specific and measurable goals and break them down into manageable action steps. This makes it easier to track progress and stay focused.
  • Schedule regular check-ins with me to review goals and progress. Verbally committing to action steps and having to report back helps drive follow through.
  • Make sure to celebrate successes along the way. Recognition of wins keeps motivation high.
  • If you get off track, I can help analyze what went wrong and get you back on a positive path. Accountability partners provide course corrections.

For flow:

  • Incorporate activities you enjoy and find intrinsically rewarding into the plan. This could be hobbies, passion projects, social interactions, etc.
  • Mix challenging but achievable goals with some “easy wins” to build momentum. Quick successes help fuel continued effort.
  • Build in sufficient rest and recovery periods to avoid burnout. Allowing time to recharge keeps your energy and focus up.
  • Be open to flexibility in the plan. If your interests change or life shifts in unexpected ways, we can adjust goals accordingly.

The right balance of accountability and flow will help drive consistent progress towards your long term goals while keeping you engaged in the process.

Integrating with Other Programs

Is there another program I can use you with to track progress? You don’t seem like a good platform for that.

You’re right that as an AI assistant without any dashboard or metrics tracking features, I’m not the best platform for actively tracking progress and goals over time. However, there are several helpful programs and apps I can integrate with to provide that functionality:

  • Goal tracking apps like Strides, Way of Life, or Habitica allow you to set goals, log your progress, and stay on track. Many have useful features like reminders and motivating rewards.
  • Productivity tools like Trello, Asana, or Notion help you manage projects and break down larger goals into actionable tasks. Their boards/lists make progress very visual.
  • Health and fitness apps like MyFitnessPal, LoseIt, or Fitbit are great for tracking exercise, nutrition, sleep and other metrics if those are part of your goals.
  • Budgeting apps like Mint, You Need A Budget, or Personal Capital can help track financial goals like saving and debt repayment.
  • Journaling apps provide a place to log your progress and reflect on what’s working. Day One and 5 Minute Journal are popular options.

I can sync up with any of these tools that are helpful for your goals. My value would be in reviewing your progress in these apps, providing motivation and encouragement, answering questions, and adjusting the plan as needed.

Syncing with Claude

How would I sync you up with them?

There are a few different ways we could sync up, depending on which goal tracking apps or programs you decide to use:

  • IFTTT integration – Many productivity apps connect with IFTTT, so we could create automations like having any completed tasks automatically sent to an email or notes app that I can access. That way I stay updated.
  • Zapier – Similar to IFTTT, Zapier allows creating automations across different apps and services. We could use Zaps to pull your progress from various trackers into a centralized place.
  • Shared calendars/documents – If you use something like Google Calendar to schedule tasks and track habits, you can share that calendar with me. I could then monitor it and see your progress. Similarly shared docs like Google Sheets can work.
  • Screen sharing – During our check-in calls, you could share your screen to show me your workflows in your chosen apps and walk me through the progress you’ve made.
  • Manual updates – You could always just verbally update me or send screenshots during our conversations on how you’re doing against your goals. Simple but effective!

The main thing is that I have visibility into your progress tracking somehow. I’m flexible and we can figure out a good system that fits your needs.

Maximizing Context Usage

I figure the more context we give you, the better right?

The more relevant context and information you can provide me, the better I’ll be able to assist you with planning and meeting your goals. Here are some key areas where additional context would be helpful:

  • Your current life/work situation – Details on where you currently are with your career, education, relationships, finances, health, etc. This provides the starting point.
  • Your future vision – What are your long term hopes and dreams? Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years? What is your ideal future life? This provides the end goal to work towards.
  • Your interests and passions – What gets you excited and motivated? Hobbies, causes, skills you want to develop, places you want to see, things you want to achieve or build? This provides fuel for the journey.
  • Your challenges and obstacles – What tends to derail your plans or sabotage your progress? Health issues, bad habits, fears, lack of resources? This highlights pitfalls to avoid.
  • Your support system – Who are the people, groups, communities you can rely on for help? Who motivates and believes in you? This highlights assets you can leverage.
  • Your daily routines/habits – How do you spend your time day-to-day? What habits serve you well or hold you back? This identifies strengths and improvement areas.

The more details and examples you can share, the better I’ll understand your unique situation and what a plan needs to include to be effective for you specifically.

Benefits of Using Claude

What are the benefits to using you to plan?

  • Objective perspective – As an AI, I can look at your goals and situation without personal biases and provide impartial, fact-based advice.
  • Big picture view – I’m good at analyzing disparate information and identifying connections and patterns that can inform strategic plans.
  • Accountability – As discussed earlier, I can help keep you accountable to your plans through reminders, tracking, encouragement and troubleshooting.
  • Adaptability – Plans often need to change. I can help adjust your course based on new information and situations that arise.
  • Availability – I’m always accessible to chat when you need to review plans or get back on track.
  • Expanding knowledge – My knowledge is continually updated, allowing me to incorporate new best practices into your plans.
  • No judgment – I won’t get frustrated, disappointed or angry if your plans go off course. I’m simply here to help.
  • Complement to human planners – I aim to enhance, not replace, human planning. I’m best utilized in tandem with your own thinking.

In summary, by combining your context expertise with my planning capabilities, we can build structured, realistic plans tailored specifically for your needs and situation.

Data Privacy Concerns

What about data privacy?

Data privacy is extremely important when discussing personal context information for planning purposes. Here are some key things to know about how I handle data privacy:

  • I do not actually store or retain any of the contextual data you provide me. As an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest, I do not have any capability to record, keep or transmit your personal information.
  • My responses are generated in real-time based on our conversational context, but no permanent records are maintained by me or Anthropic. Each conversation starts fresh.
  • Anthropic’s privacy policy expressly forbids the collection of personal user data without explicit consent. Providing context to me falls under protected conversational data.
  • If any recommendations I provide seem concerning from a privacy standpoint, please let me know. I aim to avoid any suggestions that could compromise reasonable expectations of data privacy.
  • For any sensitive information like financials or medical history, generic descriptions or summaries may be better than specific details. We can establish reasonable boundaries.

The main point is that you are in full control of what context you provide to me, and can trust that I have no means or motive to retain or misuse any personal information. My goal is simply to provide the most helpful planning assistance possible given the context you choose to share.

My Experience With Planning

I input a document with as much content as I possibly could and uploaded that document to Claude. Here’s what it gave me back.

give me a sample schedule on what I should do today given the context

Here is a suggested sample schedule for today based on the context you provided:

8:00 AM – Wake up and morning routine
8:30 AM – Meditate and visualize (20 mins)
9:00 AM – Exercise (take a walk or do bodyweight exercises at home – 20 mins)
9:30 AM – Make a healthy breakfast
10:00 AM – Job search – Apply to 2-3 suitable full-time jobs
11:00 AM – Work on book – Write 500 words
12:00 PM – Break for a healthy lunch
12:30 PM – Promote existing books/blog – Share social media posts, contact relevant bloggers
1:30 PM – Explore housing options – Research rents in area and look at apartment listings
2:30 PM – Practice piano – Work on new piece for 30 mins
3:00 PM – Affiliate marketing – Research potential affiliate programs and sign up for 1-2
4:00 PM – Errands/tasks – Grocery store, bank, etc.
5:00 PM – Prepare and eat healthy dinner
6:00 PM – Continue book writing – 500 more words
7:00 PM – Send promo email to email list – Offer discounted book
8:00 PM – Relax and free time
10:00 PM – Get ready for bed

This covers some of the key areas we discussed – income, housing, health, writing, music, marketing. Adjust and adapt this based on your energy levels and priorities for the day. But having a schedule provides structure and ensures progress gets made.

I thought this was cool as fuck. If you want to transition out of your job, it’s going to be important to get shit done. This feels like where more people need to live – in their plans and assessing how far away they are from their goals and what they need to do to adjust to get there. It really brings lofty goals down to earth.

The Benefits of Free Time 150 150 admin

The Benefits of Free Time

In this article I’m going to share with you the benefits I’ve experienced through having lots and lots of free time. If there’s interest I can share the downsides too cuz uh…it hasn’t been all roses.

Backstory of Having Damn Near No Free Time

There was a period of time where I was working a job I hated then doing deliveries on the side and it felt like I was just spinning my wheels. My expenses = money I got from the job I hated + delivery money. I just kept hearing this message in my head that said “you’re wasting your time”.

Then, I went to a conference called Love Rising in Hollywood, CA led by Kyle Cease. A core message I got from that conference was to stop chasing money, and so that’s what I did. He published a book called The Illusion of Money not too long after this workshop.

I tried my best to do everything – especially creative work – from a heart-centered space. I really felt like I was fed up doing work and feeling like a damn slave. I quit my job right after getting out of that conference (because I was doing it just for the money), and life hasn’t been the same since. In many ways it has been amazing, and in many ways it has been horrific. I’m sharing the good stuff here now though.

Online learning

There is literally so much information on online that you can web surf through – especially with YouTube. I also like my local libraries online resources, and if your local library sucks then…I’m sure you can find a way to break some rules…Just don’t hold me responsible.

I tend to gravitate towards the practical information and online courses. People are taking their knowledge and putting it in online resources at a level that has never been seen before – especially with COVID. All i need is an internet connection and a device that can use that internet connection to show me stuffs. I just found another course I wanna take today from Scott Scorch (a little disappointed it’s only 2 hours long). It was a gateway to find the other courses on the platform though.

Finding Money to Play With

I’ve been able to “find” money through different ways. Lowering expenses dramatically helps with this a lot! No more car note draining my finances, and no more expensive rent. HAD I BEEN MORE PATIENT, last year would have been my first 6-figure year by way of crypto. 2020 was the first year ever I felt like I was able to play with money. And it was all because of downsizing, doing independent contract work as a gig worker when COVID hit, and binge watching videos on crypto.

Self Care

Sometimes I wonder how people deal with self care with a job. Meditation, hygiene, fitness, food prep/shopping, self care appointments i.e. doctors/dentists, vehicle care, living space care, fun/hobbies/creative outlets, assessments about all of the above, and learning about how to improve all of the above.

This about this – I’m a single guy, but what about if you’re in a household and have to take care of others? Many of these things can’t be outsourced or helped by a significant other. How do people adequately do self care when a job takes up such huge blocks of time. How do people fit all this in? I think the answer is many people don’t.

Doing Things At Different Times Than The Majority

In a populated city like Houston, Texas it feels so much better to do things when others don’t do them. I don’t have to sit in traffic during lunch time when everyone is one the road. I don’t have to deal with large crowds in stores because I can shop while everyone is at work.

No More Resentment For Things That Were Taking Up My Time

I don’t find myself saying “I don’t know enough time”. I could easily say that when I had a job, and it would make me resentful towards the job. I was spending a lot of those days working feeling resentment.

Lately, if I can deal with what others say and think about me and accept it and not be triggered by it, then I can experience that freedom. That is a part of the freedom. I might be called lazy or a bum, or not self sufficient (nobody’s really self-sufficient) in the short term, but over the long term things start to get really good. You don’t relate to money with this neediness and it can flow to you.

Depth and Quality Creatively

I put depth and quality together because depth has a lot to do with quality. I can’t get to the level of mental depth I could creatively as long as I was using so much mental ram on my job. This is the biggest benefit. It gives me room to breathe. I can step back and see the forest for the trees, and not always be stuck in the trees.

I don’t even think my brain could go into writing an article list this or many of the other articles I’ve written without sufficient space to let my mind wander into different rabbit holes. Eventually, the rabbit holes start to connect together in a way I can’t predict.

Nothing feels rushed now. Even if there is a deadline to things, I don’t feel the intense pressure I would feel going to jobs. I can take my time cooking up good shit. Good plans, good assessments, good articles, good presence with people, good quality overall.

When I would work at jobs, I very rarely got to see my own work. It was purchasing and data entry, so…it was gone as soon as I did it. I never got to see it or marvel at it or add to it or build on top of it. I’ve created a lot that I get to look back on these past years. It makes me waaaaaay more proud.

That’s it folks

That’s all I got. I’m thankful that I made it a priority to downsize and take my time investments away from chasing money and started to embrace and cherish the time I have on this earth. There is nothing like it.

Lessons from Meditation / Visualization 150 150 admin

Lessons from Meditation / Visualization

I’ve been doing almost a month of meditation/visualization combined. I’ve done this work before, but my visions were much smaller. Here are some things I’ve noticed usually after 30 days.

  • Life moves faster, and so it’s important to remain grounded amongst the chaos.
  • Relevant, specific, synchronistic information flies in fast. I’ve seen it come in through many directions – Youtube videos, conversations, coaching calls, a note on the ground, the first thing that plays on the radio when you turn it on (these have all happened to me). Pay attention to even the littlest things so you don’t miss out.
  • Welcome the discomfort, doubts, anxiety, confusion, frustration. New things will come. Welcome all that shows up, and don’t resist it. It will make the process flow a lot smoother. Eventually, you will get to a point where you can be ok with the beautiful range of emotions and dynamics life has to offer.
  • You begin to feel like you’re actually in your visions, so when you come out of your visualization session – you have a heightened awareness of yourself, others and reality. You’re more aware of the specific times doubts and fears are causing your own hesitation and avoidance. You’re more aware of your emotions and what’s causing them. You’re more aware of how your eating is affecting your mood/emotions (hopefully!). You’re more aware of when your emotions change. You’re more aware of what’s around you. You’re aware of the small decisions you’re making to either bring aligned things in. You’re more aware of the energy it’s draining to tolerate misalignments.
  • Even if you’ve been aware of all of the above, misalignments start to irritate you more than usual…a lot more. It becomes mandatory to create and enforce boundaries to that which is misaligned. You can feel it.
  • Trust and believe there will be a process that will show up. You might not even realize it’s a process until after you’ve gone through it. You have to trust and be willing to go step by step.
  • If you dare to dream big here, be aware of validation seeking – where you’re trying to prove to other people your vision can be real. Less defense, more surrender. Share your vision with someone who is aligned with it and could support it and make it happen…or at least move you to the next step. I find it best to share it with someone who’s already been down the exact (or very similar) path and come out the other side. They’ll do a much better job of showing you how that looks on earth for real and grounding what feels like a big dream in the sky. I’ve also seen sharing it with a supportive audience work too. They can point you to the person (or group of people) that have been through the process.
Time Management With Chet Holmes 150 150 admin

Time Management With Chet Holmes

I was listening to the audiobook The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes (review coming soon!) and I thought I’d share this insightful article on time management by Chet Holmes.  This was actually in the book, and is in the tell-it-like-it-is style that I like.

From that article:

  1. Step One: Touch it once
  2. Step Two: Make lists, but stick to the six most important things
  3. Step Three: Plan how long you will spend on each item
  4. Step Four: Plan when
  5. Step Five: Ask the results
  6. Step Six: Will it hurt me to throw this away?

You could combine step 2-4 into one step called “plan your day”, but I can see why he might separate them.  They are each critical, so they might get lost in the sauce if you combine them all into one step.

I’ve read lots of time management books, and step 3 (plan how long you will spend on each item of the six steps mentioned in his step one) and step 4 (plan when you’re going to do them) are important and get left out of productivity books.

Let’s say you put that article into practice and create a list of 6 things you plan on getting done the next day “by hook or by crook”.  Well…if you don’t go through step 3 or step 3 is poorly done, then you could end up simply running out of time and leave things off.  Next thing ya know, you’re excusing your way out of a lack of execution by saying “things took longer than I thought”.  Sometimes that actually is true, but seek to become better at making more accurate predictions on how long things on your list will take to complete.  If it’s something big, break it down into smaller, more realistic pieces.

If you don’t do step four, many times the most important things could easily get pushed to the end of the day.

God help you if you don’t include step 3 OR four and your important tasks have gotten pushed to the end of the day AND you ran out of time because things took longer than you thought.  Now you’ve had a day where the important stuff didn’t even get done!