
The Benefits of a Clean Diet 150 150 admin

The Benefits of a Clean Diet

I have come to accept the fact that some people will never know the benefits of cleaning up their diet ( ie. eating way more vegetables / eating a plant-based diet and cutting out the sugar and flour).  When I decided to clean up my diet, my weight went down all on its own with very little exercise which led to me breathing better and not snoring, my skin cleared up, I had hella more energy, the dark thoughts disappeared that I didn’t even realize I was having, my joint pain disappeared, I wanted to connect with people and nature more.  I also seemed to get more powerful recommendations for dates.

Of course, these benefits listed above had secondary benefits, so it was like a domino effect.  SInce my weight went down it was easier to shop for clothes, to get better sleep and to exercise the few times I did.  I suddenly understood why people liked running.  I hated running while I was fat because of all the pain from putting the weight on the joints, but had a pretty good time when I was a smaller size.

Since I had more energy I started working on an Amazon-based business on the side.  Usually I would have spent that time eating or addicted in some distraction.

Since I was breathing better, my singing and speaking was better.

Since I was connecting with people more, life just started to get easier and more flowing.

This whole process was like a blossoming.  I want everyone who is willing to experience as many of the wonderful results of eating a clean, plant-based diet.


The Scooby Doo Guy 150 150 admin

The Scooby Doo Guy

I had been on a string of doing open mics (piano and singing), I decided to book a spot on the House of Blues’ open mic night.  When the day arrives, me and a friend get there early.

It’s set up to where the stage is at the front…the dining area is in the middle and the bar is in the back.  After I let the staff know I was there, I head to the bar in the back and we just chill.

We see some decent acts…and then it’s my turn to go. I perform, and I think I did pretty well…and it was cool.

I get off the stage and head to the back again and after me another guy, maybe in his early 20’s, gets on the stage with a nice guitar strapped around his shoulders.  I’m instantly getting hype in my mind.  I always get hype when I see a fellow musician because I know the hours and hours of practice it takes to be good.  And he requested a mic?!?! So we might get some singing to accompany the guitar playing?  Yo…let’s go!

I quickly realized this wasn’t gonna go like I thought.  When he grabs the mic he then proceeds to sing the Scooby Doo theme song.  That’s right – “Scooby Dooby Doo…Where are you?”.

Now during this…there are some women who give him the pity claps and dancing along (including the bar tender who was back there with us), but…95% of the room was looking at him and each other like “Wtf?  Is he serious?”.  He was indeed serious.  His set ends and he walks off stage.  Keep in mind…he never plays the guitar at all.  It just hangs on his shoulders pretty much untouched.

This was years ago.  It’s crazy that I remember him so vividly to this day.  It’s a testament to how well violating expectations works to stand out.  From that day, I don’t remember the other decent acts.  Hell, I don’t even remember the songs I played.  All I remember from that day is this mother fucker getting up there with a guitar that he didn’t use singing a damn cartoon theme song.

You can go to far with this concept though.  It was like real-life click bait, and if you’ve seen enough Youtube videos, you’ll understand how annoying this can be.

This stood out because it was very bad, but you can also stand out being extraordinarily good.  This approach is way better received and garners much more respect.  Let’s do that.  Let’s work to be unique, but exceptionally great too because…I don’t wanna get Rick Rolled anymore.

Things I like 150 150 admin

Things I like

In no particular order…just some things I think are cool.  Things that are me.  I’ll keep adding to this list as I find out more.

  • Creative Expression
  • Passive income
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Piano
  • R&b Music
  • Rap Music
  • Battle Rap
  • Skill Building
  • Apple Products
  • Personal Development
  • books – self help and biographies and how-to / physical books / audio / ebooks
  • online video conferencing (Zoom)
  • blogging
  • writing
  • creating courses
  • technology
  • Apple products
  • traveling
  • workshops
  • free trials
  • singing
  • 12-step programs and sponsors
  • nutrition
  • outsourcing
  • road trips
  • competitive card games (spades / VC / Texas Hold’em Poker)
  • pool (competitive game)
  • swimming
  • innovation
Ways to Find Extra Energy 150 150 admin

Ways to Find Extra Energy

Over time I’ve noticed there were times I’ve had great energy and several times I felt really sluggish.  Here are suggestions for having lots of energy.

  • Keep Digestion Light
  1. Eat light meals, lots of greens, juicing works really well here.  Eat (or drink if you’re juicing) evenly throughout the day (maybe 3 times)
  2. The less sugar and flour the better.
  • Listen to music that puts you in a great mood.  Even if it’s music you like, make sure it affects you positively.  Also you can listen to some positive audio.
  • Get in cardio on a daily basis.  You’ll get used to it over time.
  • Go to sleep early at a reasonable time
  • Hang around positive, active people
  • Go out in nature at some point
  • Breathe deeply
  • Drink lots of water…you will have to use the restroom a lot so be prepared.

If you do these things, you’ll drown out the things that lower your energy – junk food, animal products, people who are always complaining / negative, TV, etc

How To Remain Positive When It Sucks 150 150 admin

How To Remain Positive When It Sucks

There can be hits that negatively effect your life situation – your finances/intimate relationships/health.  Maybe a mistake you made or an error in judgement.  When these hits occur, sometimes it just takes time to heal them.  They are a part of life.  Accept the negatives with the positive.  Sometimes you actually need to lose things and let your old world collapse.

Your inner world is important here.  It’s important you don’t go into poor me or be alone with a storm of negative thoughts or spiral down into deep depression.  Ask for the help and support you need.

What helps me sometimes is to detach myself from my situation…to take a break from my life situation for some time.  This is not an escape…it’s a break.  A mental vacation or even an actual physical vacation.  Sometimes if things are going negatively or even positively, there can be a tendency to become attached.  It’s all good when things are perceived as positive, but when the negative comes in that’s when it weighs heavy on our minds.  The situation, good or bad, dominates our thoughts day and night.  This is where meditation can be helpful…giving your being a break from the thoughts of the mind.

As long as you keep thinking about a situation you perceive as negative, then you can expect to keep feeling negative.  So one option can be to change the way you view the situation or to create some space from that situation.  MANY TIMES creating the space can lead to a change in perception of that situation.  You can put on a different lens when you step back from the situation all together…when you’re not wrapped up in the midst of it.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Wayne Dyer

Simple Ways to Contribute 150 150 admin

Simple Ways to Contribute

Scared Shitless 150 150 admin

Scared Shitless

Some of the most amazing memories can happen when you’re willing to be scared shitless…when you have a good hunch that facing something you’re scared of will benefit you, but you just have to face that fear.

What does help is to stay in the moment as much as possible.  You can’t feel fear if you’re here now because the fear and anxiety is stemming from your thoughts of the future.

I hate that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling, but I can’t help but notice how effective it is and the results that come after it.

I like open mics.  It’s crazy to walk in and…no one knows you, but after you perform the energy is different.  It’s so much warmer – IF YOU’RE WARM.  If you can make the audience feel good with not only a good performance, but good feelings yourself because they translate to the audience.

Putting yourself out there in any capacity could elicit this scared shitless feeling.  If you’re a professional athlete you’re putting your body out there.  If you’re a musician, you’re putting your performance or your music out there.  If you’re a writer, you’re putting your writing out there.  The more you face this, the more you get used to it though.

By putting yourself out there, you run the risk of judgement, unfair criticism, not being understood, etc.  Do it anyway.  You never know who could be impacted and how they can be impacted by you facing that fear of putting your thoughts/ideas/experience out there.

Anyway by Mother Teresa

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

New Site Design 150 150 admin

New Site Design

There’s still a few minor adjustments that need to me made, but I’ve installed a new WordPress theme – Maiden.

I like the functionality of it, and I really love all the different types of customization I can do, from the animations, to page setup and space and so much more.  There’s pretty much customization at every turn.

I feel like it’s a little sleeker, more professional and easier to navigate.

Also, as requested, there is a like button on each post and the ability to comment.

I’ve been told to add more “me” in it, and so still some things to work on, but I feel it’s making great progress!

My previous theme was very outdated, and updating it has brought me into the present and allowed me to become aware of all the different options there are now.  I’m much happier with the site, and much happier interacting with it knowing it’s much much closer to what I envisioned.