
How I Learned to Be More Expressive 150 150 admin

How I Learned to Be More Expressive

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Becoming more expressive was a whole process starting from being a closed off, introverted, quiet child.

Growing up

I was pretty closed off and quiet for a large part of my life because this is how I grew up.  When I was younger I was essentially raised by my mother and grandmother and they would always tell me to be quiet when grown folks are talking.  The problem was they were always talking!  Even when I would somehow find a way to get a word in edgewise, those words would be criticized or argued with or I’d flat out get told something like “don’t say that” or “stop talking back” or “be quiet”.  And also, they didn’t actively put me around other kids very much, so there wasn’t much expression there either.  There weren’t many kids in the neighborhood, and there was a very low level of trust with the few families who did have kids, so I was left quiet much of the time having to listen to a whole lotta adult talk about a whole lotta nothing.

I can remember my mother saying to me…”I’m not going to be ripping and running take you here and there to go play with other kids…you’re going to have to learn to be content alone”.  I’ve asked my mother about this, and she denies saying it to me, but I can remember the moment clearly because it was when I reached a level of acceptance.  I remember that sinking feeling in me when she said it.  At that moment, I internally accepted the fact that as long as I lived with this woman, there wasn’t going to be many kids to play with, and I probably get in trouble if I kept asking about it.  I felt pretty powerless to do anything about it at that point, so…I got really good at video games, reading, writing, listening, playing piano, typing, eating junk food>>>introverted things that didn’t require me to speak up or express myself.  I can actually remember being told to speak up so many times as a kid and as a teenager by other people outside of my family.

I say this not to illicit any type of sorrow or sadness or sympathy or anger.  I just want to highlight where this closed off attitude came from.  I never looked at it as closed off.  I looked at the situation as an ability to be content with myself, but as I grew older, I was overwhelmed with evidence that this line of thinking had a ceiling.  Being alone could only take me so far.

My mother’s behavior and grandmothers behavior didn’t come from thin air.  It came from how they were raised, and it’s a pathology that was passed down from generation to generation.  I also think this is where a dad would have helped.  Someone to counterbalance this and to validate the few things I would verbally express, but there was none.  I know for a fact from talking with him, his absence didn’t come out of thin air either.  Again, a pathology.

When Things Changed

Nothing really changed for me until I found the movie The Secret, which helped me with my emotions which then helped me get back in touch with and become roommates with a friend I initially met in high school who was the complete opposite.  He was very expressive in all ways.  He expressed his self through fashion, words, through actions etc.  A lot of his whole attitude of life rubbed off on me.

When we’d be in conversations with other people, he’d always encourage me to talk.  He’d say “what do you think?” and it usually went well.  So it made me feel like hey…maybe my opinion counted for something.

Then it moved to another level when I watched this video.  Especially when he mentioned Lil Wayne.  I’ve listened to Lil Wayne the rapper, and he always seems to blurt out what I deem as nonsense every now and then in his music.  BUT after watching that video I started speaking nonsense, and it actually worked and people responded well.

One thing I tried that blew my mind was walking up to people and just blurting out words that were on my mind and not sentences or complete thoughts like…fire, water, ice, house, sadness, move, etc.  One woman even told me “I don’t know what this is..but it’s turning me on!” lol.

Then it moved to another level when I went to CLW and met so many people that were more aligned with me.  I met so many of the “right” people.  They were interested in what I was interested in and focused on things I was focused on at the time – heart-centered work and making it sustainable.  It is when I realized I had to put forth the effort to seek out the people who were better fits for who I am.  If I didn’t, I’d have to settle with arguments, debates, excuses, defending my point of view, etc.  That takes a lot of energy that could be used more productively.

Express what’s on your mind.  Start small.  Sit in a reality where you know we want to hear what you have to say.  It’s more about the energy behind what you say.  People and reality as a whole can feel the energy you use to express yourself.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

This Iguana is Officially Badass 150 150 admin

This Iguana is Officially Badass

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Come on!  Tell me this iguana ain’t badass.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3OjfK0t1XM” title=”Badass Iguana”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

How To Not Be So Serious 150 150 admin

How To Not Be So Serious

There is a time to laugh and play, and there is a time to be serious.  It’s important to develop a discernment or a calibration as to when to use each mode.

Too much laughing and playing and you fall into the realm of not being taken seriously.  People might look to you to entertain or to liven up a party, but too much of this could lead to people devaluing your opinion on serious subjects and decisions.

Too serious and it could really bog you down emotionally, physically, mentally etc.  This might in turn bog others down around you.  Also, like attracts like.  If you repeatedly view life in a serious manner, where “serious” becomes a predominant underlying current to your thoughts, beliefs and actions, then you must continue to bring about serious situations, serious people.

Invite lightness into your life.  Read some fantasy fiction books.  Go watch some kid movies! (I’m on a Disney+ free trial as we speak). Go to a comedy show.  Hang around kids, because well..kids are pretty light naturally.  You could even try deliberately swinging the pendulum and take 30 days to do something light as hell maybe… 30 days of Disneyland?

Even better, get in touch with your own inner child – the child that lives within you.  When you became an adult, did the child within you leave?  No, it didn’t!  You just may be ignoring him/her.  There could very well be a good reason why.  It might have been a coping mechanism or a way to survive, but it’s not serving you now.

I was very interested in the inner child, and started to invite more information about my own inner child.  Someone told me who does inner child coaching relayed to me that if you’re too serious and feeling bogged down, you’re not listening to your inner child.  It might have gone into hiding.  If you want more information on this, Healing the Child Within by Charles L. Whitfield M.D.  is a great book for this.

Just another perspective to consider.

Thoughts after 33 Days of Blogging 150 150 admin

Thoughts after 33 Days of Blogging

It has been 33 days of publishing an article every day, and I wanted to share my thoughts on insights I’ve had.

Impressed with the creativity

It’s been very insightful to see how creative I can be when I have to be. It’s really just a matter of choosing to engage everyday. I’m surprised that I don’t run out of things to write about, and I always wonder, when will the well run dry? I’ve noticed It runs a little drier on days where I don’t have much social interactions either online or offline.

A good approach for me has been viewing this like riding waves. I sit and I imagine a wave I want to ride creatively. I try to engage my head and heart and find a place where they meet and let go, and this usually works.

If I approach writing as daily habit, then a better time to write for me is in the mornings. If I write in the mornings, then I can take it off my mind for the day, not to mention I’m just in a much better headspace to work anyway.

“I have to write an article!”

The problem with writing daily, is it is honestly starting to feel like a chore – ESPECIALLY if I wait until the day is winding down to start writing. If I wait until the end of the day, then I’ll notice I will have had the thought “You have to write an article” many times throughout the day that I ignored until I couldn’t ignore it anymore. As the day winds down it will become more of an emergency situation like..”oh no!…the day is winding down and I need to write”. Now, I know from reading plenty of productivity books that if I’m saying things that start off with “I have to” and “I need to” I’m going in the wrong direction. This is definitely not where I wanted this to go, which leads me to my next point.

Batching might be a good idea

When I was learning about proper food prep, batching was a given. The people I talked to that had made it 10+ years of abstinence from sugar and flour all batched cooked in some form or fashion. It makes total logical sense too. If you don’t batch cook in some form or fashion, that meant a lot more time in the kitchen cooking, which over the long term isn’t sustainable. You might just go crazy from being in the kitchen so much. It also tethers you to a kitchen, making it harder to travel and making your relationship with the fridge very needy.

Riding waves longer

I think I will try to ride the flow of inspiration longer. Many times, when I feel one article is complete, I’ll say to myself “done for today!”. But so many times, I’ve felt like I could keep going and keep writing and riding waves longer. Even if I’ve exhausted what I think about a particular blog topic, it feels like I could start another one very easily, or there was a connecting blog idea that I could write about. Why not keep writing articles from those places where the flow is going and end up with 2+ articles to publish on consecutive days?

I want to try this to see how it works out! I think it will allow me to have a break from writing and creating on some days. I will definitely look forward to having some days off!

Doing Boring Repetitive Work 150 150 admin

Doing Boring Repetitive Work

One of the biggest disadvantages of doing boring, repetitive work for 40+ hours a week is that the world is changing so fast that that type of work is getting outsourced to robots and creativity is getting rewarded more than ever. See Rise of Robots. We are moving to a creative society where the ability to be creative will be more important than ever.

It’s important to do our best to predict where the world is going, so that we can do all that is within us to align with what we want to see and what’s best for us as a whole.

Repetition is definitely not a bad thing, but too much of a good thing is never good. Also repeating things that probably shouldn’t be repeated seems pretty pointless right?
We should repeat exercising our bodies. We should repeat drinking water. But should we repeat entering data everyday for 8 hours when robots will replace it? Should we repeat manual labor that robots will replace? Until the robots arrive, someone will have to repeat these processes, but creativity is on the rise.

Work out your creative muscles if you do repetitive work. Repeat that!

Slow Rider 150 150 admin

Slow Rider


Here is a snippet of a beat I ultimately want to get to final form and able to sell. I love creating music and I want to get better! Let me know if you can help with this through the contact form!

How to Get to The Next Step 150 150 admin

How to Get to The Next Step

If you look at goal that you deem as “big”, there can be a tendency to want to jump to achieve it instantly. Realize if we could achieve our big goals instantly, they would cease to be big goals. Enjoy the little steps to get there. Enjoy the process.

In my twelve step program, we were always encouraged to refocus to the next right action. The question we would ask ourselves is “what is the next right action to take?”. Enough of these little steps and you get to your goal.

“Progress = happiness”

Tony Robbins

This works especially well for asking questions to busy people too. If you try to ask someone who is already getting a lot of questions and feedback a big, general question, they are very likely to have already answered it somewhere because you probably weren’t the first person to ask. “What do you think about this?” for example. They might link you to something or give you a big, generic answer back. That is if they answer it at all.

Compare that with showing some commitment and asking them for the next step you should take. Something to the effect of “I did X as you suggested, and Y happened, if you were me, what would your next step be?”.

If you have a goal, what’s a small action you can take now that would get you a little closer. Keep getting a little closer and eventually you will get there.

Being Authentic as an Employee 150 150 admin

Being Authentic as an Employee

I declined an interview for a job today. Normally I would have accepted such an interview in hopes that I’d get this job. The main reason I declined was because I know what this job is going to do to me. I know what it will do to my character. It’s going to make me a way more reserved person. If I wanted to keep the job, I can’t be myself and express myself the way I wanted. It will stifle my creativity – which I have committed to for 2020. I could see my life becoming hella boring and flow going out of the window because I’m choosing to stay in a building for 8 hours a day. I’d probably be angry at the company politics. I’d feel like a slave.

I can hear voices saying “are you kidding? accept any job right now!”. I think my future self would appreciate that I stuck with my guns and learned how to navigate rapids without a job.

I’m aware this isn’t everyone’s situation and not all jobs are created equal. I’m sure there are jobs where you can truly express yourself and true expression might even be encouraged.

If you are an employee now, do you have to hide the real you to work there? Is it a place you can express the real you? or would you get fired for doing such a thing? What would your future self think looking back at your decisions today?

The world, including me, wants the real you as much as possible. Please give us more of the real you.