Regaining Weight Back 150 150 admin

Regaining Weight Back

If I’m going to say anything about weight loss, I have to address this.

If you’re in this place, I feel for you.  No really…as I’m writing this on February 23, 2020 I literally know how you feel because I’ve gained the weight I lost back plus more.

Know that the most important thing is acceptance.  Full acceptance of your body as it is.  Keep pushing.  Keep adjusting.  It’s very easy to get down on yourself and spiral down even more if you don’t grab this by the horns.  This is not over until you’re gone!

Also, don’t go into “poor me”.  Think about the other people who will benefit from your struggles and successes.  Think about the other people that will hear your story and the ripples it will create.  Someone told me…after seeing me gain all my weight back that “your mess will become your message”. She just might be right :).

I care about you and I want the best quality of life for you, and I can’t help but to double down on the fact that a normal-sized body or one that is physically strong and fit will be better.  Keep working!

Spiritual Constipation 150 150 admin

Spiritual Constipation

So…if I check Facebook I swear I will see so many memes that quote “Live in the moment” “Live every day like it’s your last”.  By reading these memes, you would think “damn…everybody is so spiritually in tune!”.

I think one thing that doesn’t get mentioned often is letting things flow through you and being a muse.  It’s part of the reason why you want to “live in the moment”.  In this moment there can be no problems.  You need past and future to have problems, and when you can bring life down to this moment, there can be no problems.  In this moment is where the real answers to your questions are.  Surrender to this moment.

Also understand this moment is all that there is.  The past and the future only exist in your mind.  Thank you Eckhart Tolle!

This means letting your ideas flow through you and expressing them out in the world.  Don’t get spiritually constipated…let it flow through you!!

This means listening for the answers you seek and separating answers you receive from mind answers (conditioned) and spiritual answers.  There’s a spiritual solution to every problem.  This means expressing what comes through you, to assist you when you need it.  This means paying attention to the synchronicities and miracles that are around you.  Listen for the action steps.

This concept can seem very “woo-woo” and ungrounded until you actually put it into practice and start to see synchronicities that let you know…hey…there’s more to this world than what your eyes can see.

Keep it Light 150 150 admin

Keep it Light

Since writing on the subject yesterday on finding energy and eliminating the things that bogged you down, I wanted to talk about this in conversations.

Like attracts like, so if you’re attracting light, fun, and meaningful conversations that’s an indicator on where your own vibe is.  Maybe these are conversations where you all are in the moment and going with the flow and being conscious of where the energy wants to go.  Or you’re extracting good lessons and memories from the past.  That’s why it’s light.  It isn’t negatively charged with the heaviness of the past.  Sometimes any positive talk of the past will bring about a comparison to now in people who are looking to bring more heaviness into this moment.

If you’re not attracting light, fun conversations or light and fun people, you might be attracting more serious, downer, conversations filled with lots of the past.  Serious people attract more serious situations.  Maybe there’s anger and/or bitterness here, or regret or depression, etc.

If you’re feeling these things, they will show up in conversation…and a person who is a match for that vibe will be in resonance with it.  You’ll find it easier to attract more of that energy.  This might not be what you want if you were to consciously choose what energies you want around, but you might also be used to it.  It might be familiar, so it’s easier to attract.

Ways to Find Extra Energy 150 150 admin

Ways to Find Extra Energy

Over time I’ve noticed there were times I’ve had great energy and several times I felt really sluggish.  Here are suggestions for having lots of energy.

  • Keep Digestion Light
  1. Eat light meals, lots of greens, juicing works really well here.  Eat (or drink if you’re juicing) evenly throughout the day (maybe 3 times)
  2. The less sugar and flour the better.
  • Listen to music that puts you in a great mood.  Even if it’s music you like, make sure it affects you positively.  Also you can listen to some positive audio.
  • Get in cardio on a daily basis.  You’ll get used to it over time.
  • Go to sleep early at a reasonable time
  • Hang around positive, active people
  • Go out in nature at some point
  • Breathe deeply
  • Drink lots of water…you will have to use the restroom a lot so be prepared.

If you do these things, you’ll drown out the things that lower your energy – junk food, animal products, people who are always complaining / negative, TV, etc

How To Remain Positive When It Sucks 150 150 admin

How To Remain Positive When It Sucks

There can be hits that negatively effect your life situation – your finances/intimate relationships/health.  Maybe a mistake you made or an error in judgement.  When these hits occur, sometimes it just takes time to heal them.  They are a part of life.  Accept the negatives with the positive.  Sometimes you actually need to lose things and let your old world collapse.

Your inner world is important here.  It’s important you don’t go into poor me or be alone with a storm of negative thoughts or spiral down into deep depression.  Ask for the help and support you need.

What helps me sometimes is to detach myself from my situation…to take a break from my life situation for some time.  This is not an escape…it’s a break.  A mental vacation or even an actual physical vacation.  Sometimes if things are going negatively or even positively, there can be a tendency to become attached.  It’s all good when things are perceived as positive, but when the negative comes in that’s when it weighs heavy on our minds.  The situation, good or bad, dominates our thoughts day and night.  This is where meditation can be helpful…giving your being a break from the thoughts of the mind.

As long as you keep thinking about a situation you perceive as negative, then you can expect to keep feeling negative.  So one option can be to change the way you view the situation or to create some space from that situation.  MANY TIMES creating the space can lead to a change in perception of that situation.  You can put on a different lens when you step back from the situation all together…when you’re not wrapped up in the midst of it.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Wayne Dyer

Heaven On Earth 575 300 admin

Heaven On Earth

I can’t tell you what your heaven is or when it is going to come or how it will look.  However, I can tell you that you will know when it does.

You would think that it’s some instance where you’re pleasured out.  Where you’re experiencing all these different pleasures you think you want…but that’s not how heaven showed up for me.

The instance for me happened when I was at a spanking party.  I looked around…stunned…and I asked myself, “could life really be this amazing?”.  At that moment it literally felt like heaven on Earth.  And get this – I was living in my car!

It wasn’t just that moment that inspired that feeling of heaven on Earth.  Imagine a cup…and all the previous insights and experiences I had within the past 2 years had been adding water to that cup.  Before attending that party, the cup was about 3/4ths full.  Then when I went to my first spanking party, the cup just started overflowing with water.  That’s what it was like.  That cup poured over to Solving Problems Socially.  I was feeling so great, I felt other people had to experience this, and that I could help them get there because I had been on the opposite side.

Heaven came from finding members of my real family.  Not members who were biologically / genetically / blood line family, but people from all over the world who aligned with deep parts of me. I met people who aligned with the part of me that wanted to do heart-centered work and make it sustainable.  I met with people who had addictions and issues with food and/or weight gains/losses. I met people who were deeply into spanking.  These parts of me were previously suppressed and when they started to be expressed then I found my new, aligned family members.  What I’m working on now is being a good container for that heaven.

What are you suppressing that needs to be expressed?  When will you express it?  What if you knew the part of you that you suppress needed to be shared…like it was your purpose to share it.  And to help other people express it to!  What if…the expression of the parts of you that you normally suppress is a prerequisite or a key to unlock connection with your true family.  Family that has been through what you have been suppressing and can help you along the journey.  Family that can offer you support and answers and can relate.  Family that can bring whatever it is you’re suppressing out of you to express fully.

You can feel heaven on earth now.  You don’t need the outside to match it at this moment, but you can use your imagination and feel what it would be like to have all the deep parts of you supported, acknowledged and encouraged.  Feel that feeling with as much intensity as you can.  The more you feel this feeling and think about it on the inside, the more your reality must shift to match it on the outside.

Fat Does Not Equal Lazy 150 150 admin

Fat Does Not Equal Lazy

Boy boy boy will society put this on you.  I’ve heard people say “When people see you as fat, they automatically assume you’re lazy or undisciplined.  That’s just how it is”.  That’s not true.  If society thinks this, society is wrong.

While I was in the middle of losing 120 pounds, i thought to myself…”all those years of beating myself up thinking I was undisciplined and lazy is NOT true.”  It just isn’t.  All I did was eat 3 meals in different time zones of the day…eat more vegetables…eliminate sugar and flour products and connect with other like-minded individuals regularly.  I just took different actions.  As I was in the midst of shedding all this weight, I would ask myself…”am I less lazy now than I was?”  no!  but I do have hella more energy!  So there was less “down” time trying to recover from meals.  It was more ignorance on what to do and what exactly to eat and when to eat it than laziness or lack of discipline.  I maybe worked out 5 times during that 120 pound weight loss – which shattered another myth I had been sold- exercise does not equal weight loss!

I can’t control what society thinks as a whole, but I can raise awareness – especially to those who are currently beating themselves up for no reason.  For most people, you don’t have to go crazy in the gym, or even set foot in a gym to be a weight that is considered normal for your body.

Telling yourself you’re lazy isn’t going to help you anyway.  It’s a form of beating yourself up.  If you FEEL lazy it’s better to determine what you’d rather feel instead.  Motivated?  Excited?  Happy?  Peaceful?  Energized?  Light?

A Better Lens

A better lens that was way more effective for me and directly resulted in me losing 120 lbs was looking at the problem through the lens of addiction – to look at the foods I was eating and find what emotions I was trying to eat over.  I had to work on feeling those emotions.  Have you ever heard “You have to feel it to heal it!”?  Yeah…it’s corny to me, but true.

There are also other addictions.  Instead of eating excess junk food the addiction could be excessively playing video games, or addictively smoking…or drinking…or *insert addictive behavior here*.  What much of the world sees as lazy could be looked at as feeding addictions that allow us to avoid feeling feelings and moving through them to our own detriment.

Simple Ways to Contribute 150 150 admin

Simple Ways to Contribute