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Social Skills are Badass 300 388 admin

Social Skills are Badass

Social skills are badass and having a badass social circle is badass.

  • Problems get solved way easier
  • Relationships overall are a big factor in the quality of life
  • A great social circle can pick you up quickly when you’re down
  • Giving to a social circle that appreciates the real you can be fulfilling and rewarding
  • You are the average of the 5 people you hang around most
  • A great social circle naturally encourages you to be your fullest, authentic self
  • Many of the answers you seek will come from people in some form or fashion. (In-person, book, program, podcast, blog, video etc).

I didn’t always start off with a great social circle. I isolated a lot and spent lots of time alone. I didn’t even see this as a bad thing, but I look back and realize there were so many missed opportunities. I always wondered in the back of my mind how other people created these huge social circles, and why some people attracted other people to them naturally and others repelled other people.

Click below to download a Mind Map I created on how to go from isolation or a social circle that doesn’t really fit you, to one that empowers you and fits you like a glove!

[mc4wp_form id=”189″]

Airbnb is Badass 150 150 admin

Airbnb is Badass

You don’t like where you’re staying? or ya just wanna get away?

Well…isn’t choosing a destination a step closer to actually getting away?

If you think to yourself “I wanna stay in another place”, or “I want to live in another place!” wouldn’t it be one step closer if you know the city you want to stay in? Wouldn’t it be more concrete and easier to lock on to if you knew how much it cost and you have pictures of where you’d be living?

This is what I like about Airbnb.

Tell me this listing above ain’t badass. There’s actually a ‘Tour this home’ button for some spaces, and it’s cool to just picture yourself walking through these crazy spots.

This is the most excited I’ve been in a while! I have a goal to live in a another area this year, but that’s so fuzzy, and by actually just browsing I found some badass spots! Airbnb didn’t get badass until I set the cost filter to minimum $645 per night over here in Dallas. The average was $135…but you get average, and I’m used to spending just under average! In fact, my first time, I stayed in a hostel for $25/night in California… and I got what I paid for – very crowded place to stay but amazing location.

In some areas smaller amounts go a waaaay longer way.

Look at that listing in Thailand! At the time of this writing it’s $55 per night! Yo come on!

Whatever you do, don’t just dismiss your desires because it would be a stretch to get there. That’s the easy way out. Instead of looking at one of these badass spots and saying some version of “I can’t because…” say “how can I”? That’s a more creative question that involves some more effort from you…but you will not regret that you stretched yourself here…and Giving 100 percent effort is badass too! 😉

Giving Without Expecting Anything Back Is Badass 150 150 admin

Giving Without Expecting Anything Back Is Badass

Whenever I think of creating something badass, I always think two things – how can I get other people involved and what can I give first. I don’t focus on money at all, and it always shows up. Pat Flynn actually inspired me to turn this up a notch – To really focus on giving something high value away free and don’t be attached to outcomes. Turns out there is a damn law about this – The law of detachment!

I first experimented with this new way of thinking with my first blog

It was just a challenge to myself to see how I would do building a blog. I used this article to start, but I had no idea of what to blog about. Around that time I was browsing through different people’s Photobucket accounts and I saw one full of people getting dunked on, and I thought it was awesome – and it became a blog idea. I found out where the photos came from and realized they posted photos of NBA games every day, so there’d always be a stream of content.

So I would post those photos on my blog and go to Youtube to try to find a video that matched it. I did this for a while and nothing happened. I was on a forum and I would have my blog linked when I posted on a forum and occasionally I would get messages like “this site is great!”. Those kept me going when I felt nothing was really happening and barely anyone was visiting.

Then I started reaching out to other sports blogs that actually had activity – comments / traffic / high page ranks. I explained my situation to them and asked how they got their websites off the ground. It didn’t take long before someone responded. His advice to me was to email other sports bloggers to build relationships and see if they wanted to exchange links, so I did. I emailed 80 others sports blogs and about 20 linked back – including Yahoo’s basketball blog Ball Don’t Lie.

Well…that made it rank high in the search engines. Traffic went up and eventually an advertiser offered me a deal to have his website banner on in exchange for some money. This blew my mind. I had actually made money like this? It made some appearances on TV which also blew my mind (traffic spiked way up those days).


This was a time stuck in my memory where I saw giving really work wonders.

Me and 3 other friends who were roommates decided to go out to the apartment’s pool. We had just moved in, and one of my friends had an idea to just go out to the pool with a big cooler full of cold beer. When we did this we met so many people in those apartments. That was a wild night, but a great memory. Then we exchanged numbers and partied together later again with lots of those residents and went over each others houses and had many more great experiences after that. All because we put ourselves out there at the pool and also gave out those beers without expecting anything back.

Amazon Self Publishing

When I wanted to start my self publishing business, one strategy was to give away a free book in exchange for readers signing up on my email list. This worked really well. I’ve given away the same freebie book for years and continue to give my books away for free. I’ve given them all away for free at some point, and they all bring in a little money every month still. I’ve actually consciously put this on pause, but if I wanted it to continue to grow, my first step would be to give away more for free ironically.

Addiction and Recovery

Stepping in a 12-step program for food addiction was one of the best things I’ve ever done and I’ve learned lessons that I’ll always use. One is prioritizing service. I would (and still do) talk to a sponsor every morning. Sometimes I would tell him/her I was feeling pretty down or sad or angry. They would usually tell me to think about what I had to be grateful for…get out of “poor me” thinking and find a way to serve so that I can get out of my own head, put things in perspective and help someone else. I find the more I give in these rooms of recovery, the more I get back – but I don’t concern myself with getting back! I try to just prioritize giving the gift that was graciously given to me.

Giving without being attached to outcomes

It’s taken me a while to learn, and it’s so counterintuitive when you’re feeling scarce and not getting your needs met, but the more I explore just giving without expecting anything, the more things just work!

Giving works great in social situations. Giving works great in business and finances. It works great in intimate relationships.

Have you been having “poor me” thinking? Feeling sorry for yourself? Serve – It might feel very weird….there might be hella resistance to doing it…Ya might just not want to do it…but another thing my sponsor used to tell me is “sometimes the thing we don’t want to do is the thing we need to do the most”. I’ll leave ya with that.


Real Conversations Are Badass 150 150 admin

Real Conversations Are Badass

I’ve had enough small talk to last a lifetime. If your life is full of small talk – or just conversations that leave you rolling your eyes – I feel for you! It really makes me appreciate the depth, openness and authenticity present today.

It wasn’t always like this. I used to work pretty boring, repetitive jobs that were full of pointless conversations. Here’s a sample conversation we’d have:

Random stranger to me: Hello, how are you?

Me: Pretty good, how are you doing!?

Random stranger: Doing good today, weathers nice out! Traffic is crazy as usual.

What a perfect setup for a conversation that will go nowhere!

In my head I’d be thinkin…Mufucka – who gives a damn about the weather? Traffic wtf? WE COULD DIE TOMORROW AND HERE YOU ARE..YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT SOME COT DAMN TRAFFIC?!!

Back then, I was pretty fake too. You see in the conversation above, I asked how this stranger was doing, but I didn’t genuinely care. It was just another an automatic response in a sea of automatic responses we called a job.

Saying the things I was really thinking would have probably cost me the job. Looking back, I guess I didn’t see all the other options I had. I wouldn’t have ever worked in a place that required me to sacrifice that much of myself.

Truth is, that we didn’t have time for much depth. This might be an elevator conversation, and we’ve both got to get to work in different departments, so the situation would often dictate the depth.

How to Have Real Conversations

I went to Conscious Life Workshop held by Steve Pavlina in October 2016 and this is where I first got a glimpse into real conversations. It was where I really saw the problem with my conversations before. The problem necessarily wasn’t with my conversations – it was with the people I was having real conversations with.

If you aren’t have as many real conversations as you’d like, how would people respond to you being more real? Would they be shocked? Would they be indifferent? Would they look at you like you’re crazy? Would they judge you? Do you have an idea of how they would react? Even if they’re family and friends, there is a real possibility they might not be the best fit for ya. What if you actually sought out people that were more aligned with the real you?

I’ve accepted some people just aren’t aligned with me being the real me. Do they like spanking? Are they into personal development? Are they into passive income? Are the into aligning with a path with heart? Do they sense that boring jobs aren’t the best way for them to generate income? Do they experiment? Do they spend a lot of time around tech? Have they had an addiction? Have they sought recovery for this addiction? Do they prioritize doing badass shit? Do they exercise their creativity? Do they still prioritize learning? Do they listen to audiobooks? Do they like playing an instrument? Do they like singing? If not – they probably aren’t aligned with my real conversations, so it’s in my best interest to find people that are into those things. The more the better! That way I can have genuine conversations. I can let my guard down. I can be vulnerable and share my shames, weird quirks and vulnerability and feel like it’s a safe place with others who are doing the same. I can be myself and things just flow. The more you express the real you, the more those people will find you! Imagine having lots of real conversations with lots of real people! Like attracts like!

I’ve tried to have real conversations with the people that didn’t align with me – for a long time. Family, friends, coworkers you name it. This is why it was such a contrast when I found way more aligned people for me. I’ve also learned to not be attached to how the real conversations show up. They might be with someone from another part of the world!

When I express my own vulnerabilities, strengths, weaknesses, talents, weird quirks, dark sides…when I express more of me it seems to give others permission to share more of themselves with me.

Is there an area of your life where you’d like to have more real conversations? Demand more authenticity in your life while expressing your own. Explore your own interests and curiosities socially, so you’ll get to talk to like-minded people. I think you’ll like what reality brings you!

Responsibility is Badass 150 150 admin

Responsibility is Badass

Damn. Here’s a big step in maturity – acceptance and welcoming of responsibility.

Taking low level jobs? Stopping the business you created from growing? Low on finances?

These have all been possible symptoms of shirking responsibility and it hit me like a ton of bricks. All people I admire take on great responsibility.

From the outside in, it looks like greater rewards that come with taking on greater responsibility are just a side benefit. The real benefit is the character sculpting.

Welcome responsibility! Come on in.

Flexibility is Badass 150 150 admin

Flexibility is Badass

After working years in stuffy, boring ass 9-5 jobs, I decided to drop that rigid slave-like schedule and prioritize flexibility in my day-to day schedule – even it it meant lower pay.

Benefits of being an independent contractor (400 favors as a Favor runner) and setting my own schedule:

  • I don’t have to cap my breaks at 15 min
  • I can eat lunch whenever I want
  • I can take walks outside whenever I want
  • I can attend meetings / educational webinars and CGC coaching calls and move my schedule around these things. In my 9-5 job I would usually have to miss the things I wanted to do because keeping my boring ass 9-5 was a priority.
  • I get to have the mornings to prioritize my goals first if I so choose.
  • More responsibility (this could be a positive or a negative the way you look at it)
  • I can take a day, a week, a month off and pick up where I left off if I like.
  • I can do things when other people are at work so to avoid traffic and lines.

Hell Yeah.

Of course there are downsides too. My pay has been cut in half from my 9-5 job. There is always the risk of being too lazy and paying the consequence later. There is a lot more isolation.

So wtf am I saying here? I’m again saying flexibility is badass. Too badass for me to go back to a 9-5, so in the meantime in between time, even though being a Favor Runner sucks, I will keep going doing it while exploring other options that will payoff better in the future.

I think my next post will be an attempt to make Favor a little more badass for me, the runner, since I’m choosing to continue it for now.

Giving 100 Percent Effort is Badass 150 150 admin

Giving 100 Percent Effort is Badass

When someone says they want something, and you see them giving their all out effort to get it, don’t you just want them to have it?

When I see someone give their all to have something (and usually it’s a big something if it demands all their effort), and I see them get it, I just shrug my shoulders and say…”hey they deserve it!” – Especially if I’ve personally seen them fight, work, persist and overcome their own doubts, fears, limiting beliefs and other obstacles to have what they want.

On the other hand, have you seen someone do the opposite? They say they want something worth having, but you don’t see them putting in the work required. And after a while, you realize it’s just hot air…it’s just talk. Because talk is easy.

That ain’t badass man. It’s in a man’s nature to get shit done, and you can’t get important, high-value shit done without a hell of an effort.

Mental Programming is Badass 150 150 admin

Mental Programming is Badass

So I’m guessing I’ve listened to Brian Tracy’s Eat That Frog about 20 times this month. It’s the only audio book I’m listening to and I try to listen whenever I’m in the car doing some Favors.

Man this is crazy.

Instead of reading hella books, reading ONE book repeatedly has helped to internalize the messages.

I have to train my mind. If I don’t direct my mind where I want it to go, it will go to fear, doubt and insecurity or anything else vying for my attention.

Thank you Mr. Tracy.